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Demo Video

htbauder edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 10 revisions

Video Demo

Link to Demo Video


Demo on a Nexus 6 phone, running API 26

UI Feature Specification

    IME(Input Method Editor) 
          Sign in -> enter key to sign in  or click button sign in     no default soft keyboard show up
          Sign up -> enter key to jump to next edit line   
          Search  -> enter key to search
          Send    -> enter key to send message

    Interactive Animation Button
          Sign in/Sign up with animation circular progress bar animation also hit button to activate the activity transition circular reveal animation
          Habit History floating button with rotation animation and hide and show two additional buttons and will hide as scroll down the recycler view  and scroll up the recycler view to show up again
          My Habit add habit floating button will hide as scroll down the recycler view  and scroll up the recycler view to show up again also hit button to activate the activity transition circular reveal animation
    Activity Transition Animation
          Sign in / Sign up / My Habit  circular reveal animation as transiting to another activity

    Calendar view
          self design weekday view with circle and dot highlight the current weekday and month day

    Bottom Navigation Bar
          For all important activity can easily navigate through different activity by hitting the activity icon on the Bottom Navigation Bar 

    Allow slide to delete item in Recycler view

    Search edit text box

    Comment edit text box

    Recycler view item views

    Comment  layout design

Sign up / Profile

Create a new account
Log in	
Look at my profile/overview

Habits / ToDo

Create a new Habit
Show it in the ToDo list
Create a habit that will not be in the todo list
    Click the habit in the todo list to add a new habit event to habit history
    Edit an existing habit
    Delete a habit

Habit Event

Create a new Habit event
    Edit a habit event
    Delete a habit event
    Search word in habit events' comment
    Filter habit events with selected habit type
    Apply search and filter together
    Click show map in Habit History to just show the habit events with geolocation of the login user


Add a habit event to the map
    Click the map from bottom navigation, show all habit events of the login user and the habit events of the followings of the login user on the map. Click the highlight checkbox, highlight the habit events that are within 5km of the current location.


Sign into another profile
Follow the another user, the followed user should login to accept the following request.
    The followed user should add several habits and corresponding habit events, and some of these habit events should have geolocations.
    The user who has followings can see the followings habits and their most recent habit event for each following habit in Following. Clicking on the map button in Following, the habit events with geolocations followed by the user are displayed on the map, click on the highlight checkbox, locations that are more than 5km from the current location are displayed with more transparency.

WOW factor

Like the habit we made earlier
    Comment on the habit of followings, this following logins and check the comment of the habit in My Habits.

Offline Behavior

Show offline sync