rangev2 is next version of popular range class of python, which enables you to produce lists even by using *,/,// and % operators along with +,- operators.
- The syntax is nearly similar to the privious versions
- Little modification is that step (third parametr) is now string containing operand and operator
- Example :
>>> new_range(8,100,'*9')
>>> [8,72]
- print(new_range(begin,end,step)) will now print the entire list
- example
>>> print(new_range(100,1,'//3')
>>> [100, 33, 11, 3]
- the default values for begin and step are 0 and '+1' respectively.
- in operator is overloaded:
>>> 3 in new_range(4)
>>> True.
- the list generated can also be accessed via list argument
- example :
>>> new_range(6).list
>>> [0,1,2,3,4,5]
pip install rangev2
All ways welcome good contributions, keeping the target to make it core functionality of python