FREE LUNCH FOR FEW-SHOT LEARNING: Distribution Calibration written by Shuo Yang, Lu Liu, Min Xu is to transfer statistics from base classes with enough examples to calibrate the distribution of these few-sample classes, and then to draw a sufficient number of examples from the calibrated distribution to expand the input of the classifier. The calibrated distribution is then drawn from a sufficient number of examples to expand the input to the classifier Yang et al. (2021). By running the Distribution Calibration code in the appendix of this paper
and pre-training the data, we will confirm whether the results mitigate the overfit- ting phenomenon in few-sample learning, as claimed in this paper. By calculating
the accuracy of SVM and logistic regression, Tukey transformation and the pres- ence or absence of generated features, we see that Distribution Calibration does
have some improvement on the overfitting problem.
- numpy==1.17.2
- matplotlib==3.1.1
- tqdm==4.36.1
- torchvision==0.6.0
- torch==1.5.0
- Pillow==7.1.2
After downloading the extracted features, please adjust your file path according to the code.
To evaluate our distribution calibration method, run:
- Yijun Chen [email protected]
- Shuning Ling [email protected]
- Pasinpat Vitoochuleechoti [email protected]