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VSS to GraphQL Schema

Parse Vehicle Signal Specification tree structure to generate a special GraphQL schema.

Translation Rules and Basic Functionality

The program loads the .vspec file into the anytree python structure using COVESA's vss-tools functions. This structure is then used to generate a GraphQL schema based on a special set of translation rules.

Queries and Subscriptions

A GraphQL Query and Subscription fields are created for each root element from anytree structure. In case of having only the Vehicle root element, it generates the following structure on the schema:

# GraphQL schema generated file

type Query {
    vehicle: Vehicle

type Subscription {
    vehicle: Vehicle

Delivery Interval Subscription Parameter

If the command for subscription delivery interval is given, a special GraphQL enumeration called SubscriptionDeliveryInterval will be generated and a parameter deliveryInterval will be put on the Subscription root field. So in case of having only the Vehicle root signal on VSS, the following structure will be generated on the schema:

# GraphQL schema generated file

enum SubscriptionDeliveryInterval {
  """Rate limited: 5s between updates"""

  """Rate limited: 1s between updates."""

  """Get all the updates, no rate limit."""

type Subscription {
    vehicle(deliveryInterval: SubscriptionDeliveryInterval! = DELIVERY_INTERVAL_5_SECONDS): Vehicle

Mutations and Inputs

Mutations are created based on actuators in vspec files. If a branch has any child of type actuator, a mutation will be created for that branch and the input will be created to modify its actuator children.

# VSS file

  datatype: boolean
  type: actuator
  description: Door open or closed. True = Open. False = Close

  datatype: boolean
  type: actuator
  description: Door locked or unlocked. True = Open. False = Close


# GraphQL schema generated file

type Mutation{
    setVehicleBodyDoor(input: Vehicle_Body_Door_Input): Vehicle_Body_Door

input Vehicle_Body_Door_Input{
    IsOpen: Boolean
    isLocked: Boolean

Type generation

VSS branches and leafs are translated to GraphQL types and fields on the schema. Branches generate custom types and leafs generates fields with a special type conversion (please see Data Types Translation subsection ).


# VSS file

  type: branch
  description: Highlevel vehicle data.

  datatype: float
  type: sensor
  unit: km/h
  description: Vehicle speed

  type: branch
  description: All body components.

  datatype: string
  type: attribute
  description: Body type code as defined by ISO 3779


# GraphQL schema generated file

Highlevel vehicle data.
type Vehicle {
    body: Vehicle_Body

    """ Vehicle speed """
    speed: Float

All body components.
type Vehicle_Body {

    """ Body type code as defined by ISO 3779 """
    bodyType: String

Data Scalar Types Translation

Scalar types are converted automatically to the respective GraphQL types, as the table below shows. If nothing is specified, the native types will be used for conversion, but there is an option to automatically generate custom scalars.

VSS datatype GraphQL Native Type Custom GraphQL Scalars
int8 Int Int8
uint8 Int UInt8
int16 Int Int16
uint16 Int UInt16
int32 Int Int32
uint32 Int UInt32
int64 String Int64
uint64 String UInt64
float Float Float
double Float Float
boolean Boolean Boolean
string String String

Array VSS datatypes are translated to GraphQL lists.


VSS Enumerations are converted to GraphQL Enums the following way:

# VSS file

  datatype: string
  type: attribute
  enum: ["front_left", "front_right", "middle_left", "middle_right", "rear_left", "rear_right"]
  description: Location of the fuel cap or charge port


# GraphQL schema generated file

Location of the fuel cap or charge port
type Vehicle_Body {
    """ Location of the fuel cap or charge port """
    refuelPosition: Vehicle_Body_RefuelPosition_Enum

enum Vehicle_Body_RefuelPosition_Enum {

Note: Enum values are transformed: all non-alphanumeric characters are transformed into _, all letters are uppercased and another underscore is put on the beginning if it starts with a number.

Min and Max values

Using range directives in GraphQL schema it is possible to reflect min and max values specified in VSS in the following manner:

# VSS file

  datatype: double
  type: sensor
  min: -90
  max: 90
  unit: degrees
  description: Current latitude of vehicle.


# GraphQL schema generated file

# This line is generated only once

The current latitude and longitude of the vehicle.
type Vehicle_CurrentLocation {

    """ Current latitude of vehicle. """
    latitude: Float @range(min: -90.0, max: 90.0)

hasPermission Directive

To regulate access to GraphQL schema fields for clients, hasPermissions directive will be created and used. All VSS leafs will receive hasPermissions declaration of type read, leafs of type actuator will in addition receive hasPermissions declaration of type write:

# GraphQL schema generated file

# This directive and enum is generated only once
enum HasPermissionsDirectivePolicy {
directive @hasPermissions(permissions: [String!]!, policy: HasPermissionsDirectivePolicy) on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT | INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION

# When an input is generated to a mutation, it receives write permission
input Vehicle_MyBranch {
    myField: Float @hasPermissions(permissions: ["Vehicle.MyBranch.MyField_WRITE"])

# When a type field is generated, it receives read permission
type Vehicle_MyBranch {
    myField: Float @hasPermissions(permissions: ["Vehicle.MyBranch.MyField_READ"])

Franca to VSS Layer Input

This tool can use franca-based Layer files to determine behavior. For more information on franca-based layers please see the layer readme used to test this tool.


When given the root layer file on the execution command the tree will be filtered according to the same tree structure on the layer file. For instance if you want to generate the schema for Vehicle.CurrentLocation.Latitude you will have to have a layer file with the following structure:

# Layer file

            <your layer info>


Mutations also require a special _FrancaIDL structure informing write permissions in addition to the actuator datatype on VSS. For instance if you want to have MySignal (which is already an actuator) to have a mutation, you will need to add this _francaIDL write method:

# Layer file

      write:  # This indicates write access, allowing


By specifying the branch as a list in the layer file, that branch will be set as a list in the schema, and all the children (and grandchildren and so on) will have an id: ID! field, to specify what index from the list you want to access. For instance:

# VSS file
  type: branch
  description: Axle signals

  datatype: string
  type: sensor
  description: myAxleSignal
# Layer file
        - Axle:
                <your layer info>
# GraphQL schema generated file

type Vehicle_Chassis {
    axle: [Vehicle_Chassis_Axle]
type Vehicle_Chassis_Axle {
    myAxleSignal: String
    id: ID!

Parent Attributes on mutations

On the layer file you can also point to a leaf and say it to resolve in the immediate parent by using the _parentAttribute structure. For instance if you want to MyParentAttr1 to be resolved in the mutation of Vehicle:

# Layer file

          <your layer info>
          <your layer info>


# GraphQL schema generated file

type Mutation {
    setVehicle(input: Vehicle_Input!): Vehicle

input Vehicle_Input {
    MyLeaf: Boolean
    myResolvableBranch: Vehicle_MyResolvableBranch_Input

input Vehicle_MyResolvableBranch_Input {
    MyParentAttr1: Boolean
    MyParentAttr2: Boolean
    MyParentAttr3: Boolean

Getting Started

For this project you will need to have:

  • Python 3.8.5 or later
  • Pip
  • Pipenv

Python Installation On Linux (or mac)

If you don't have Python installed already I suggest you to use pyenv to install Python by using this following command:

pyenv install <desired py version>

Then in this repo's folder there should be a .python-version file that describes the version of python to be used, in our repo there is this file with the version 3.8.5 written. If you want to create this file by yourself and use a specific version you can run:

pyenv local <desired py version>

Pip Installation on Linux

Make sure you have pip installed too. To check you can run

python3 -m pip -V

and see the version of your pip. Make sure your pip is updated with

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

If you don't have you can install with

curl -o
python3 --force-reinstall

Pipenv Installation on Linux

To install Pipenv just run

python3 -m pip install --user pipenv

And pipenv will be installed as a python package under the --user flag and you will be able to run python3 -m pipenv --help.

It is a good practice to set on your .bashrc (or other, see note 2), the variable which configures PIPENV to always create the virtual environment inside a .env folder the project.

echo "export PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Note 1: When you install pipenv using pip with --user flag, you are installing pipenv under a folder .local under your home directory, so if your system does not recognize pipenv as a command, it's maybe because your $PATH variable does not see this .local folder. One alternative is to add this line to your .bashrc (or similar please see note 2) file as follows:

echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

and you will be able to run pipenv directly. If you prefer you can always just use:

python3 -m pipenv

when you want to just run pipenv

Note 2: Every time .bashrc is referred here in this file, we are talking about the file that runs when your terminal is open, this file may change depending on the system and what shell you are using, this may be ~/.bash_profile or ./zsh.

Installation of VSS2GraphQL_Schema

To install the project and dependencies you can run the following command:

pipenv sync

This command will install this package and its dependencies under your pipenv isolated environment (.env folder if you followed Note 1). Then you can run commands of this environment with pipenv run <command in environment>.

Execution of VSS2GraphQL_Schema

To run the program please cd to root path of this project and run:

pipenv run vss2graphql_schema --help

Regex filter and match

These filters will serve to select or remove vss nodes from the schema. The filter will be used in every node of vss (branches and leafs). Regex filters will remove nodes (and its children) with qualified name (full lenght name separated by _ Eg: Vehicle_Speed) and match will only include nodes that matches the regex pattern send.


# Including only Vehicle_ADAS (notice that on match you need to match intermediate branches surrounded with ^$ (regex way of saying to match the exact string))
pipenv run vss2graphql_schema --output=resources/schema.graphql --regex-match="^Vehicle$|Vehicle_ADAS" ../resources/spec/VehicleSignalSpecification.vspec

# Excluding Vehicle_ADAS and Vehicle_Powertrain_Transmission (and everything under those branches)
pipenv run vss2graphql_schema --output=resources/schema.graphql --regex-filter="Vehicle_ADAS|Vehicle_Powertrain_Transmission" ../resources/spec/VehicleSignalSpecification.vspec

Note: If the file is empty while using regex match, please consider that you may be not matching any complete path to a leaf with your regex pattern.

Contribution to the Development of VSS2GraphQL_Schema

To install dev packages one may run:

pipenv sync -d


One may format with autopep8 with command-line:

autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive

And to check linting you can run:

pipenv run flake8 --config setup.cfg

Check Typing

To use mypy you can run:

pipenv run mypy --config-file ./setup.cfg


To run nosetests you can run:

pipenv run nosetests --with-doctest


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