Sprint 1
Niall & Stefan
- Conda environment for managing Python dependencies and versions
- Docker environment for replication on any machine
- Jupyter Notebook integration detailing experiments and classifier results and metrics
- Dataset conversion into Protobuffers
- Cross comparison and metrics of 4 classifiers: Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, k-NN and Linear SVM
- Feature extraction of data to replicate Stanford paper: POS, structural, sentiment
- Understanding of Naive Bayes
- Unit testing with Pytest and linting with Pylint
- Python API serving a /classify endpoint using a pickled classification model to serve webapp results
- Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery pipeline via CircleCI
- Node backend server hosted on Redbrick machine
- ReactJS web application using Webpack, Bulma.io and Redux
- Unit testing and integration testing using Jest and Chai
- End-to-end communication of frontend and backend API classification model and displaying of results