Install docker at https://www.docker.com/
Start docker
, there is an.env
file that is required. Follow the respectiveREADME.md
located in those folders. -
docker-compose up --build
to build and run images and containers
As of the last update of this README, all backend services, frontend and gateway have been dockerized. A respective Dockerfile
has been created within each of folders. This Dockerfile
specifies the instructions in order to build the container, install the necessary node modules etc.
To simplify the container building, a docker-compose.yml
has been created in order to start both containers at once. This is achieved through running docker-compose up --build
to call all the dockerfiles.
Note that user-service requires a Supabase database and question-service requires a MongoDB database. The respective README.md
should aid you in creating your own databases.
Also, the ai-service requires your own OpenAI key and email-service requires an SMTP_PASSWORD to run locally. For ease of testing, do so on peerprep.ryanchuahj.com, or contact the developers.
When you are done with developing, kill the program (Ctrl^C) and run docker compose down
. This cleans up local resources used by docker.
Note: For Mac users, this doesn't work and volumes will continue to pile up. Run docker system prune -a --volumes
occasionally to remove the remaining volumes.