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TeX-Bot, but back in Python! This is a Discord bot used for managing a community group's Discord guild.

Featured in the CSS Discord guild.


Confusingly, Discord uses the term "guild" to refer to a Discord "server", when communicating with developers. Therefore, the same terminology ("guild") will be used across all documentation in this project. (See the Discord developer docs & Pycord's docs for more information.)

The term "main guild" is used throughout the code in this repository to refer specifically to your community group's main Discord guild.

"User" Vs "Member" Vs "Guest"

In the context of Discord itself, a "user" object represents a Discord account not connected to any specific guild. Therefore, it can be messaged via DM or be retrieved via its snowflake ID, but little else can be done with it. (See the Discord developer docs & Pycord's docs for more information.)

In contrast, a Discord "member" object is a user attached to a specific guild. Therefore, it can have roles, be banned & have many other actions applied to it. (See the Discord developer docs & Pycord's docs for more information.)

Community Group Membership

In the context of your community group's membership structure, a "member" is a person that has purchased a membership to join your community group. This is in contrast to a "guest", which is a person that has not purchased a membership. Guests often can only attend events that are open to anyone (i.e. not members only), and have limited communication/perks within your Discord guild. Some commands may require you to create roles within your Discord guild, to differentiate between these different types of users.

Other Uses

In some other contexts, the term "user" may be used to refer to any person/organisation making use of this project. (E.g. the description within the "Error Codes" section.)

Error Codes

Users of TeX-Bot may encounter an error code when executing a slash-command fails. If a user encounters any of these errors, please communicate the error to the committee member that has been assigned to upkeep & deployment of your instance of TeX-Bot. The meaning of each error code is given here:

  • E1011 - The value for the environment variable DISCORD_GUILD_ID is an ID that references a Discord guild that does not exist

  • E1021 - Your Discord guild does not contain a role with the name "@Committee". (This role is required for the /writeroles, /editmessage, /induct, /strike, /archive, /kill, /delete-all & /ensure-members-inducted commands)

  • E1022 - Your Discord guild does not contain a role with the name "@Guest". (This role is required for the /induct, /stats, /archive & /ensure-members-inducted commands)

  • E1023 - Your Discord guild does not contain a role with the name "@Member". (This role is required for the /makemember & /ensure-members-inducted commands)

  • E1024 - Your Discord guild does not contain a role with the name "@Archivist". (This role is required for the /archive command)

  • E1025 - Your Discord guild does not contain a role with the name "@Applicant". (This role is required for the /make-applicant command and respective user and message commands)

  • E1026 - Your Discord guild does not contain a role with the name "@Committee-Elect". (This role is required for the /handover command)

  • E1031 - Your Discord guild does not contain a text channel with the name "#roles". (This text channel is required for the /writeroles command)

  • E1032 - Your Discord guild does not contain a text channel with the name "#general". (This text channel is required for the /induct command)

  • E1041 - The community group member IDs could not be retrieved from the MEMBERS_LIST_URL. (It is likely that your MEMBERS_LIST_URL_SESSION_COOKIE is invalid. If your community group is a Guild of Students society, the community group member IDs will be a list of UoB IDs)

  • E1042 - The reference to the @everyone role could not be correctly retrieved. Try running the command that caused this error again. If the error persists, please file an issue on this project's bug tracker, including the details of what command was run to create this error

  • E1043 - A button callback interaction did not contain the related user. Try pressing the button that caused this error again. If the error persists, please file an issue on this project's bug tracker, including the details of what command was run to create this error

  • E1044 - An interaction was denied because the Discord permissions for TeX-Bot were not set correctly

Log-Entry Error Levels

When an error occurs, a log entry will be created. One of these possible error levels will be associated with that log entry. Below are the explanations of what effects/causes each log-level represents:

  • WARNING - An error occurred that did not result in any failure to complete the current request/interaction. However, some minor inconsistencies/data loss may have occurred. This may require some changes to the deployment configuration or an issue about a bug to be raised

  • ERROR - The current request/interaction could not be completed due to a major error. The problem that caused the error should be addressed immediately, or otherwise TeX-Bot should be manually shut down to prevent further errors

  • CRITICAL - An unrecoverable error occurred. This level of error will cause TeX-Bot to shut down, as the problem can only be solved by fixing one or more of the configuration environment variables

Repeated Tasks Conditions

The configuration variables SEND_INTRODUCTION_REMINDERS & SEND_GET_ROLES_REMINDERS determine whether their related tasks should run. However, because these are rather annoying/drastic actions to be executed automatically, there are additional conditions that must be met on a per-member basis for the action to trigger. The conditions for each task are listed below, along with the additional environment variables that can be used to configure the conditions to suit your needs.

Task Name Enable/Disable Per-Member Conditions Scheduled Interval
introduction_reminder SEND_INTRODUCTION_REMINDERS:
* Once - Only send the introduction reminder once (even if they later delete the message)
* Interval - Send an introduction reminder at a set interval
* False - Do not send introduction reminders
* The Discord member has not been inducted (does not have the "@Guest" role)
* The time since the Discord member joined your community's guild is greater than SEND_INTRODUCTION_REMINDERS_DELAY
* The Discord member has not opted out of introduction reminders
* The Discord member has not yet been sent an introduction reminder. (Only applies when SEND_INTRODUCTION_REMINDERS is set to the value Once)
The interval of time between this task running is determined by SEND_INTRODUCTION_REMINDERS_INTERVAL. (When SEND_INTRODUCTION_REMINDERS is set to the value Once, all Discord members will still be checked at this interval, just not sent a message if they have already been sent an introduction reminder). The default interval is to send messages every 6 hours
get_roles_reminder SEND_GET_ROLES_REMINDERS:
* True - A single reminder for the Discord member to get roles will be sent to them only once (even if they later delete the message)
* False - Do not send any reminders for Discord member to get roles
* The Discord member has been inducted (has the "@Guest" role)
* The Discord member does not have any of the opt-in roles. (E.g. "@First Year" or "@Anime".) (Having the green "@Member" role or even the "@Committee" role makes no difference)
* The time since the Discord member was inducted (gained the "@Guest" role) is greater than SEND_GET_ROLES_REMINDERS_DELAY
* The Discord member has not yet been sent a reminder to get roles
The interval of time between this task running is determined by ADVANCED_SEND_GET_ROLES_REMINDERS_INTERVAL. It is unlikely that this value will need to be changed from the default of 24 hours

Deploying in Production

The only supported way to deploy TeX-Bot in production is by using our pre-built docker container. It is built automatically when new changes are made to the main branch, and can be pulled from the GitHub Container Registry with this identifier: (An introduction on how to use a docker-compose deployment can be found here.)

Before running the container, some environment variables will need to be set. These can be defined in your compose.yaml file. The required environment variables are explained within the "Setting Environment Variables" section.

Local Deployment

Installing Dependencies

  1. Ensure that you have Poetry installed
  2. Navigate to this project's repository root folder
  3. To install the required dependencies, execute the following command:
poetry install --no-root --sync

Activating the Poetry Environment

To use the installed dependencies, the environment they were installed within must be activated. The easiest way to do this (as described by Poetry's guide) is with the below command:

poetry shell

If you do not want to activate the virtual environment, every command can be run prepended with poetry run, to run the given command within the Poetry context. (Every command within the documentation within this project will include the poetry run prefix for convenience. It can be excluded if you have already activated the virtual environment.)

Creating Your Bot

A full guide on how to create your bot's account can be found here; on Pycord's wiki.

You'll need to create a Discord bot of your own in the Discord Developer Portal. It's also handy if you have an empty guild for you to test in.

You can retrieve the correct invite URL to use by navigating to the root folder, then running the following command:

poetry run python -m utils generate_invite_url {discord_bot_application_id} {discord_guild_id}

You'll also need to set a number of environment variables before running TeX-Bot:

You can put these variables in a .env file in the root folder, as python-dotenv is used to collect all environment variables. There is an .env.example file in the repo that you can rename and populate.

There are also many other configuration settings that can be changed to alter the behaviour of TeX-Bot. These are all listed in the .env.example file, along with the behaviours that will be affected.

Any variables, in the .env.example file, marked with # !!REQUIRED!! must be set before running TeX-Bot. All other variables are optional and their default values are shown as the example value for each variable in the .env.example file.

Running The Bot

Once everything is set up, you should be able to execute the following command to automatically run TeX-Bot & connect it to your Discord guild:

poetry run python -m main


Contributions are welcome!

If you want to contribute, please create a pull request, and we'll review, test and (likely) merge it. Please comment on any issues you'd like to work on, to prevent duplication of work. If you find any bugs/problems or have any feature suggestions, please create an issue.

Before making contributions, it is highly suggested that you read This will ensure your code meets the standard required for this project and gives you the greatest chances of your contributions being merged.