- database: schemas, makefiles for various backends
- afri:
- prism:
- public_view:
- statsgo:
- to_bcam:
- models: code for various models
- 3pg: 3PG model code. Contains the core js library, plv8js wrappers, and postgres tests
- data: 3PG validation data for various locations.
- data_harvest: NodeJS web scrapper for helioclim data cause the site doesn't have any nice export functionality
- gbsm:
- radiation: Node script for calculating extraterrestrial radiation for a given point on a given day of year
- web: stuff for the interwebs
- visualization: online visualizations app
- KmlGenerator: creates a KML 3D visualization of poplar growth based on alder db (kinda out of place here)
- ModelApp: 3PG Model Application (poplarmodel.org). Online application for running the 3PG Model.
- WeatherApp: 3PG Data Application (data.poplarmodel.org). Online application for visualizating precooked alder db data. For historical reasons dir is called 'WeatherApp'.
- test:
- visualization: online visualizations app
3PG Data App: http://data.poplarmodel.org
3PG Model App: http://poplarmodel.org