./src ├── assets #Any assets(img/css/fonts) that are imported into your components. │ ├── img │ │ └── ... │ ├── css │ │ └── ... │ ├── fonts │ │ └── ... ├── components #All the components of the projects that are not the main views. │ ├── NavBar.vue │ ├── Footer.vue │ ├── LinkPreview.vue │ ├── VCard.vue │ └── ... ├── mixins (js) #Parts of javascript code that is reused in different components. │ └── ... ├── router #All the routes of the website. │ └── index.js ├── views #All the views of different pages. │ ├── Admin │ │ ├─ index.vue │ │ ├─ ResourceReview.vue │ ├── User │ │ ├─ Login.vue │ │ ├─ Register.vue │ │ ├─ EditProfile.vue │ │ ├─ AddResources.vue │ ├── HomePage.vue │ ├── AboutPage.vue │ ├── DetailPage.vue │ ├── ExplorePage.vue │ ├── HackFeed.vue (LatestNews/Events) │ ├── JobHuntPage.vue (JobPortals/Opportunities) │ ├── Community.vue (Disscusion/Messages) │ ├── 404.vue │ └── ... ├── App.vue ├── main.js