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├── assets #Any assets(img/css/fonts) that are imported into your components.
│ ├── img
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── css
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── fonts
│ │ └── ...
├── components #All the components of the projects that are not the main views.
│ ├── NavBar.vue
│ ├── Footer.vue
│ ├── LinkPreview.vue
│ ├── VCard.vue
│ └── ...
├── mixins (js) #Parts of javascript code that is reused in different components.
│ └── ...
├── router #All the routes of the website.
│ └── index.js
├── views #All the views of different pages.
│ ├── Admin
│ │ ├─ index.vue
│ │ ├─ ResourceReview.vue
│ ├── User
│ │ ├─ Login.vue
│ │ ├─ Register.vue
│ │ ├─ EditProfile.vue
│ │ ├─ AddResources.vue
│ ├── HomePage.vue
│ ├── AboutPage.vue
│ ├── DetailPage.vue
│ ├── ExplorePage.vue
│ ├── HackFeed.vue (LatestNews/Events)
│ ├── JobHuntPage.vue (JobPortals/Opportunities)
│ ├── Community.vue (Disscusion/Messages)
│ ├── 404.vue
│ └── ...
├── App.vue
├── main.js
Get the code by either cloning this repository using git
> git clone
... or downloading source code code as a zip archive.
Once downloaded, open the terminal in the project directory, and continue with:
npm install
npm run serve
Visit in browser: http://localhost:8080
npm run build
You can find our Contributing guidelines here.
Rituraj Jain 💻 |
Saransh Harda 💻 |
You can find our Code of Conduct here.
This project follows the MIT License.