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Merge pull request #716 from CakeML/stack-opt-2
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Stack optimisation that improves tail calls
  • Loading branch information
myreen authored Jan 9, 2020
2 parents ac6b4b6 + 5dc5546 commit 6f499a6
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Showing 27 changed files with 1,807 additions and 243 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions compiler/backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,6 +278,13 @@ implementation of the garbage collector.
This compiler phase renames the registers to fit with the target

This compiler phase introduces calls past the stack allocation code
that is present at almost every start of function. A call past stack
allocation is called a RawCall. RawCalls are introduced to shortcut
some bookkeeping during tail-calls to known locations, i.e
`Call NONE (INL dest) ..`.

This compiler phase implements all stack operations as normal memory
load/store operations.
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions compiler/backend/backendComputeLib.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -703,6 +703,7 @@ val add_backend_compset = computeLib.extend_compset
``:'a stackLang$prog``
,computeLib.Defs (theory_computes "stack_rawcall")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,6 +822,7 @@ val add_backend_compset = computeLib.extend_compset
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions compiler/backend/data_to_wordScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -510,11 +510,11 @@ val AnyArith_code_def = Define `
Set (Temp 3w) (Shift Lsr (Var 6) 2);
Assign 3 (Const 0w);
(* zero out result array *)
Call (SOME (0,fromList [()],Skip,AnyArith_location,1))
Call (SOME (0,fromList [()],Skip,AnyArith_location,2))
(SOME Replicate_location) [2;3;1;0] NONE;
(* perform bignum calculation *)
Set (Temp 29w) (Op Add [Lookup (Temp 29w); Const bytes_in_word]);
Call (SOME (1,fromList [()],Skip,AnyArith_location,2))
Call (SOME (1,fromList [()],Skip,AnyArith_location,3))
(SOME Bignum_location) [] NONE;
(* convert bignum to smallnum if possible without loss of info *)
Get 1 (Temp 10w);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ val Equal1_code_def = Define `
(Seq (Assign 2 (Const 1w)) (Return 0 2)) Skip;
Assign 1 (Load (Var 4));
Assign 3 (Load (Var 6));
Call (SOME (5,list_insert [0;2;4;6] LN,Skip,Equal1_location,1))
Call (SOME (5,list_insert [0;2;4;6] LN,Skip,Equal1_location,2))
(SOME Equal_location) [1;3] NONE;
If Equal 5 (Imm 1w) Skip (Return 0 5);
Assign 2 (Op Sub [Var 2; Const 1w]);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@ val comp_def = Define `
(Call ret target (MAP adjust_var args) handler, l1)`

val compile_part_def = Define `
compile_part c (n,arg_count,p) = (n,arg_count+1n,FST (comp c n 1 p))`
compile_part c (n,arg_count,p) = (n,arg_count+1n,FST (comp c n 2 p))`

val MemCopy_code_def = Define `
MemCopy_code =
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions compiler/backend/proofs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,9 @@ Correctness proof for stack_alloc
Correctness proof for stack_names

Correctness proof for stack_rawcall

Correctness proof for stack_remove

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17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions compiler/backend/proofs/backendProofScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ Proof
\\ qx_genl_tac[`l1`,`l2`] \\ strip_tac
\\ simp[GSYM stack_namesProofTheory.stack_names_lab_pres]
\\ simp[GSYM stack_removeProofTheory.stack_remove_lab_pres]
\\ qspecl_then[`l1`,`next_lab l2 1`,`l2`]mp_tac stack_allocProofTheory.stack_alloc_lab_pres
\\ qspecl_then[`l1`,`next_lab l2 2`,`l2`]mp_tac stack_allocProofTheory.stack_alloc_lab_pres
\\ simp[UNCURRY]
\\ reverse impl_tac >- rw []
\\ drule compile_word_to_stack_lab_pres
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ Proof
\\ PairCases_on`pp4`
\\ pop_assum(assume_tac o SYM o SIMP_RULE std_ss [markerTheory.Abbrev_def])
\\ fs[data_to_wordTheory.compile_part_def]
\\ qspecl_then[`c4_data_conf`,`pp40`,`1`,`pp42`]mp_tac data_to_wordProofTheory.data_to_word_lab_pres_lem
\\ qspecl_then[`c4_data_conf`,`pp40`,`2`,`pp42`]mp_tac data_to_wordProofTheory.data_to_word_lab_pres_lem
\\ simp[]
\\ pairarg_tac \\ fs[]
\\ simp[EVERY_MEM]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1489,10 +1489,11 @@ Theorem MAP_Section_num_stack_to_lab_SUBSET:
set (MAP Section_num (compile sc dc max_heap sp offset prog)) ⊆ labs
simp [stack_to_labTheory.compile_def, MAP_prog_to_section_Section_num]
\\ simp [stack_removeTheory.compile_def, MAP_MAP_o, o_DEF,
stack_allocTheory.compile_def, Q.ISPEC `FST` ETA_THM]
\\ simp []
\\ simp [stack_removeTheory.compile_def,
stack_allocTheory.compile_def, MAP_MAP_o, o_DEF, Q.ISPEC `FST` ETA_THM]
\\ EVAL_TAC \\ simp []

Theorem to_data_labels_ok:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1527,7 +1528,7 @@ Theorem to_word_labels_ok:
EVERY (λn. n > raise_stub_location) (MAP FST p) /\
EVERY (λ(n,m,p).
let labs = wordProps$extract_labels p in
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0) labs ∧ ALL_DISTINCT labs) p
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0 ∧ l2 ≠ 1) labs ∧ ALL_DISTINCT labs) p
rw [to_word_def]
\\ rpt (pairarg_tac \\ fs [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2333,7 +2334,7 @@ Proof
\\ PairCases_on`pp4`
\\ pop_assum(assume_tac o SYM o SIMP_RULE std_ss [markerTheory.Abbrev_def])
\\ fs[data_to_wordTheory.compile_part_def]
\\ qspecl_then[`c4_data_conf`,`pp40`,`1`,`pp42`]mp_tac data_to_wordProofTheory.data_to_word_lab_pres_lem
\\ qspecl_then[`c4_data_conf`,`pp40`,`2`,`pp42`]mp_tac data_to_wordProofTheory.data_to_word_lab_pres_lem
\\ simp[]
\\ pairarg_tac \\ fs[]
\\ simp[EVERY_MEM]
Expand Down
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions compiler/backend/proofs/data_to_wordProofScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1353,12 +1353,15 @@ val labels_rel_emp = Q.prove(`

Theorem stub_labels:
EVERY (λ(n,m,p).
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0) (extract_labels p) ∧ ALL_DISTINCT (extract_labels p))
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0 ∧ l2 ≠ 1) (extract_labels p) ∧
ALL_DISTINCT (extract_labels p))
(stubs (:'a) data_conf)
rpt conj_tac >>
rpt (EVAL_TAC \\ rw [] \\ EVAL_TAC \\ NO_TAC) >>

Theorem stubs_with_has_fp_ops[simp]:
Expand All @@ -1378,7 +1381,7 @@ Theorem data_to_word_compile_lab_pres:
MAP FST p = MAP FST (stubs(:α) data_conf) ++ MAP FST prog ∧
EVERY (λn,m,(p:α wordLang$prog).
let labs = extract_labels p in
EVERY (λ(l1,l2).l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0) labs ∧
EVERY (λ(l1,l2).l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0 ∧ l2 ≠ 1) labs ∧
Expand All @@ -1395,15 +1398,15 @@ Proof
qabbrev_tac`pp = p1 ++ p2` >>
`EVERY (λ(n,m,p).
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0) (extract_labels p) ∧ ALL_DISTINCT (extract_labels p)) pp` by
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0 ∧ l2 ≠ 1) (extract_labels p) ∧ ALL_DISTINCT (extract_labels p)) pp` by
(assume_tac stub_labels>>
qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `comp data_conf2` >>
Q.SPECL_THEN [`data_conf2`,`p_1`,`1n`,`p_2`]assume_tac
Q.SPECL_THEN [`data_conf2`,`p_1`,`2n`,`p_2`]assume_tac
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/backend/proofs/data_to_word_assignProofScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8918,7 +8918,7 @@ Proof
THEN1 (fs [wordSemTheory.cut_env_def,domain_lookup] \\ fs [])
\\ qmatch_goalsub_abbrev_tac `(Equal_code c, t1)`
\\ first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`t1`,`Equal1_location`,`1`] mp_tac)
\\ first_x_assum (qspecl_then [`t1`,`Equal1_location`,`2`] mp_tac)
\\ impl_tac THEN1
(unabbrev_all_tac \\ fs [lookup_insert,wordSemTheory.push_env_def,wordSemTheory.flush_state_def]
\\ pairarg_tac \\ fs [] \\ fs [eq_eval,sane_locals_size_def]
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions compiler/backend/proofs/data_to_word_bignumProofScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ Proof

Theorem IMP_bignum_code_rel:
compile Bignum_location 1 1 (Bignum_location + 1,[])
compile Bignum_location 2 1 (Bignum_location + 1,[])
mc_iop_code = (xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4,xx5) /\
state_rel c l1 l2 s t [] locs ==>
code_rel (xx4,xx5) t.code
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ Proof
\\ rfs [labPropsTheory.good_dimindex_def,dimword_def,ADD1]

val s = ``s:('c,'ffi)dataSem$state``
val s = ``s:('c,'ffi)dataSem$state``;

Theorem AnyArith_thm:
∀op_index i j v t s r2 r1 locs l2 l1 c.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1342,7 +1342,7 @@ Proof
(fs [Abbr`m5`] \\ SEP_W_TAC \\ fs [AC STAR_COMM STAR_ASSOC] \\ NO_TAC)
\\ drule word_list_store_list
\\ strip_tac \\ fs []
\\ qspecl_then [`Word 0w`,`Loc l1 l2`,`1`,`AnyArith_location`,`LENGTH xs`,
\\ qspecl_then [`Word 0w`,`Loc l1 l2`,`2`,`AnyArith_location`,`LENGTH xs`,
`curr + bytes_in_word * n2w (heap_length ha)`,`t9`,`m2`,
`2`,`3`,`1`] mp_tac
(GEN_ALL Replicate_code_alt_thm |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Proof
\\ `code_rel c s.code t.code` by (fs [state_rel_def] \\ NO_TAC)
\\ pop_assum mp_tac
\\ rewrite_tac [code_rel_def,stubs_def,generated_bignum_stubs_def,LET_THM]
\\ Cases_on `compile Bignum_location 1 1 (Bignum_location + 1,[]) mc_iop_code`
\\ Cases_on `compile Bignum_location 2 1 (Bignum_location + 1,[]) mc_iop_code`
\\ PairCases_on `r`
\\ simp_tac (srw_ss())[APPEND,EVERY_DEF,EVAL ``domain (fromList [()]) = ∅``]
\\ strip_tac
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1413,8 +1413,8 @@ Proof
\\ qabbrev_tac `my_frame = word_heap curr ha c *
one (curr + bytes_in_word * n2w (heap_length ha),Word a3) *
hb_heap * hb_heap1 * one (other,Word a3') * other_heap`
\\ qspecl_then [`i`,`j`,`1`,`my_frame`,`REPLICATE (LENGTH xs) 0w`,`t3`,
`Loc AnyArith_location 2`,`Bignum_location`,`t3.clock`,
\\ qspecl_then [`i`,`j`,`2`,`my_frame`,`REPLICATE (LENGTH xs) 0w`,`t3`,
`Loc AnyArith_location 3`,`Bignum_location`,`t3.clock`,
`get_iop op_index`] mp_tac
(evaluate_mc_iop |> INST_TYPE [``:'d``|->``:'ffi``])
\\ asm_rewrite_tac [] \\ simp_tac std_ss [AND_IMP_INTRO]
Expand All @@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ Proof
(qunabbrev_tac `t3` \\ fs [wordSemTheory.push_env_def]
\\ pairarg_tac \\ fs [] \\ NO_TAC) \\ fs []
\\ `div_code_assum (:'ffi) (:'c) t.code` by metis_tac [div_code_assum_thm]
\\ `get_var 0 t3 = SOME (Loc AnyArith_location 2)` by
\\ `get_var 0 t3 = SOME (Loc AnyArith_location 3)` by
(qunabbrev_tac `t3` \\ fs [wordSemTheory.get_var_def] \\ NO_TAC)
\\ simp []
\\ imp_res_tac state_rel_imp_clock
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions compiler/backend/proofs/data_to_word_gcProofScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4340,7 +4340,7 @@ val code_rel_def = Define `
EVERY (\(n,x). lookup n t_code = SOME x) (stubs (:'a) c) /\
!n arg_count prog.
(lookup n s_code = SOME (arg_count:num,prog)) ==>
(lookup n t_code = SOME (arg_count+1,FST (comp c n 1 prog)))`
(lookup n t_code = SOME (arg_count+1,FST (comp c n 2 prog)))`

val stack_rel_def = Define `
(stack_rel (Env s1 env) (StackFrame s2 vs NONE) <=>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5047,7 +5047,8 @@ Theorem find_code_thm = Q.prove(`
\\ qpat_x_assum `ws <> []` (assume_tac)
\\ imp_res_tac NOT_NIL_IMP_LAST \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[])
\\ imp_res_tac get_vars_IMP_LENGTH \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
THENL [Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`n`,`1`],Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`x'`,`1`]] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ rename [`comp c n 2 r`]
\\ Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`n`,`2`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ imp_res_tac state_rel_call_env \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ `args <> []` by (Cases_on `args` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[] \\ Cases_on `x` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[])
\\ `?x1 x2. args = SNOC x1 x2` by metis_tac [SNOC_CASES] \\ srw_tac[][]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5224,11 +5225,11 @@ Theorem find_code_thm_ret = Q.prove(`
\\ qpat_x_assum `ws <> []` (assume_tac)
\\ imp_res_tac NOT_NIL_IMP_LAST \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[])
\\ imp_res_tac get_vars_IMP_LENGTH \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
THEN1 (Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`x'`,`1`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
THEN1 (Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`x'`,`2`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ qspecl_then [`lookup x' fs`,`NONE`] mp_tac
(Q.GEN `ss` state_rel_call_env_push_env)
\\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[])
\\ Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`n`,`1`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`n`,`2`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ `args <> []` by (Cases_on `args` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[] \\ Cases_on `xs` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[])
\\ `?x1 x2. args = SNOC x1 x2` by metis_tac [SNOC_CASES] \\ srw_tac[][]
\\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[MAP_SNOC]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5264,10 +5265,10 @@ Theorem find_code_thm_handler = Q.prove(`
\\ qpat_x_assum `ws <> []` (assume_tac)
\\ imp_res_tac NOT_NIL_IMP_LAST \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[])
\\ imp_res_tac get_vars_IMP_LENGTH \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
THEN1 (Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`x'`,`1`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
THEN1 (Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`x'`,`2`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ match_mp_tac (state_rel_call_env_push_env |> Q.SPEC `SOME xx`
|> SIMP_RULE std_ss [] |> GEN_ALL) \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[] \\ metis_tac [])
\\ Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`n`,`1`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ Q.LIST_EXISTS_TAC [`n`,`2`] \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[]
\\ `args <> []` by (Cases_on `args` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[] \\ Cases_on `xs` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[])
\\ `?x1 x2. args = SNOC x1 x2` by metis_tac [SNOC_CASES] \\ srw_tac[][]
\\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[MAP_SNOC]
Expand Down
55 changes: 39 additions & 16 deletions compiler/backend/proofs/stack_allocProofScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ val get_var_imm_case = Q.prove(
Cases_on `ri` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[get_var_imm_def]);

val prog_comp_lemma = Q.prove(
`prog_comp = \(n,p). (n,FST (comp n (next_lab p 1) p))`,
`prog_comp = \(n,p). (n,FST (comp n (next_lab p 2) p))`,

Theorem FST_prog_comp[simp]:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5404,6 +5404,29 @@ Proof
\\ `ck + s.clock - 1 = ck + (s.clock - 1)` by decide_tac
\\ qexists_tac `ck` \\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[AC ADD_COMM ADD_ASSOC]
\\ simp[state_component_equality])
\\ conj_tac (* RawCall *) >- (
rpt strip_tac
\\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[evaluate_def]
\\ simp [comp_def] \\ fs [evaluate_def]
\\ fs [CaseEq"option"]
\\ drule lookup_IMP_lookup_compile
\\ impl_tac THEN1 (res_tac \\ fs [])
\\ strip_tac \\ fs []
\\ Cases_on `prog` \\ fs [dest_Seq_def]
\\ rveq \\ fs []
\\ once_rewrite_tac [comp_def] \\ fs []
\\ ntac 2 (pairarg_tac \\ simp [])
\\ fs [dest_Seq_def]
\\ fs [CaseEq"bool"]
(qexists_tac `0` \\ fs [] \\ fs [empty_env_def,state_component_equality]
\\ rfs [] \\ fs [] \\ qpat_x_assum `[] = _` (assume_tac o GSYM) \\ fs [])
\\ fs [CaseEq"option",pair_case_eq] \\ rveq \\ fs [dec_clock_def]
\\ rename [`comp m4 m5 p0 = (q2,m6)`]
\\ last_x_assum (qspecl_then [`m5`,`m4`,`c`,`regs`] mp_tac) \\ fs []
\\ impl_tac THEN1 (res_tac \\ fs [alloc_arg_def] \\ rw [] \\ res_tac)
\\ strip_tac \\ fs [] \\ qexists_tac `ck` \\ fs []
\\ fs [state_component_equality])
\\ conj_tac (* Call *) >- (
rpt strip_tac
\\ full_simp_tac(srw_ss())[evaluate_def]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5874,17 +5897,17 @@ val MAX_SIMP = prove(

Theorem next_lab_thm:
next_lab (p:'a stackLang$prog) 1 =
next_lab (p:'a stackLang$prog) 2 =
case p of
| Seq p1 p2 => MAX (next_lab p1 1) (next_lab p2 1)
| If _ _ _ p1 p2 => MAX (next_lab p1 1) (next_lab p2 1)
| While _ _ _ p => next_lab p 1
| Call NONE _ NONE => 1
| Call NONE _ (SOME (_,_,l2)) => l2 + 1
| Call (SOME (p,_,_,l2)) _ NONE => MAX (next_lab p 1) (l2 + 1)
| Seq p1 p2 => MAX (next_lab p1 2) (next_lab p2 2)
| If _ _ _ p1 p2 => MAX (next_lab p1 2) (next_lab p2 2)
| While _ _ _ p => next_lab p 2
| Call NONE _ NONE => 2
| Call NONE _ (SOME (_,_,l2)) => MAX (l2 + 2) 2
| Call (SOME (p,_,_,l2)) _ NONE => MAX (next_lab p 2) (l2 + 2)
| Call (SOME (p,_,_,l2)) _ (SOME (p',_,l3)) =>
MAX (MAX (next_lab p 1) (next_lab p' 1)) (MAX l2 l3 + 1)
| _ => 1
MAX (MAX (next_lab p 2) (next_lab p' 2)) (MAX l2 l3 + 2)
| _ => 2
Induct \\ simp [Once next_lab_def] \\ fs []
\\ once_rewrite_tac [next_lab_EQ_MAX]
Expand All @@ -5902,7 +5925,7 @@ QED
Theorem extract_labels_next_lab:
∀p (aux:num) e.
MEM e (extract_labels p) ⇒
SND e < next_lab p 1
SND e < next_lab p 2
ho_match_mp_tac next_lab_ind>>Cases_on`p`>>rw[]>>
once_rewrite_tac [next_lab_thm]>>fs[extract_labels_def]>>
Expand All @@ -5912,11 +5935,11 @@ QED

Theorem stack_alloc_lab_pres:
∀n nl p aux.
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0) (extract_labels p) ∧
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0 ∧ l2 ≠ 1) (extract_labels p) ∧
ALL_DISTINCT (extract_labels p) ∧
next_lab p 1 ≤ nl ⇒
next_lab p 2 ≤ nl ⇒
let (cp,nl') = comp n nl p in
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0) (extract_labels cp) ∧
EVERY (λ(l1,l2). l1 = n ∧ l2 ≠ 0 ∧ l2 ≠ 1) (extract_labels cp) ∧
ALL_DISTINCT (extract_labels cp) ∧
(∀lab. MEM lab (extract_labels cp) ⇒ MEM lab (extract_labels p) ∨ (nl ≤ SND lab ∧ SND lab < nl')) ∧
nl ≤ nl'
Expand All @@ -5934,7 +5957,7 @@ Proof
`next_lab q 1 ≤ m'` by fs[]>>
`next_lab q 2 ≤ m'` by fs[]>>
`r < nl ∧ r' < nl` by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6009,7 +6032,7 @@ Proof
drule stack_alloc_comp_stack_asm_name>>fs[]>>
disch_then(qspecl_then[`p_1`,`next_lab p_2 1`] assume_tac)>>
disch_then(qspecl_then[`p_1`,`next_lab p_2 2`] assume_tac)>>

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