This work item belongs to CalConnect TC FREEBUSY.
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This document specifies a new iTip method, "PARTICIPANTS", which is used to request a list of participants for a calendar object. The "PARTICIPANTS" method enables clients to query the organizer or other authoritative source for the current list of participants associated with a calendar event. This method is particularly useful in scenarios where the participant list may change over time, and clients need to ensure they have the most up-to-date information.
The "PARTICIPANTS" method is used in the same way as the existing iTip methods "REQUEST", "REPLY", "CANCEL", "ADD", "REFRESH", and "COUNTER". It follows the same iTip message structure and transport mechanisms, ensuring compatibility with existing calendaring and scheduling systems.
When a "PARTICIPANTS" request is sent, the recipient processes the request and responds with a list of participants, including their roles and statuses. This response allows the requesting client to update its local representation of the event’s participant list, ensuring consistency across different clients and systems.
In summary, the "PARTICIPANTS" method enhances the iTip protocol by providing a standardized way to query and synchronize participant information for calendar events, improving the accuracy and reliability of scheduling data.
The document is published as the following:
CalConnect CC 56011
IETF draft-douglass-itip-participants
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