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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6845089


  1. Architecture
  2. How to run the tool in a docker container
  3. How to run the correctness evaluation
  4. How to extend the predicate functions
  6. JSON specification description


The architecture of the tool consists of the following components:


The REST API is implemented in the and files. The first one implements the the endpoints that serve the GUI of the tool while the second one implements the logical operations that are provided by the API. More about the endpoints can be found below.


The GUI of the tool consists of several HTML pages built by using Bootstrap and JavaScript.

The page for creating a PSP specification:

The page for creating a MTL specification:

The page for creating a CTK chaos experiment specification:

The page for initiating the stand-alone verification:

The page for investigating the verification result:


The parser component consists of the files in the src/handlers/ folder. This component is responsible for the mapping of PSPs to MTL formula and for the parsing and preparing of the formulas and the predicates.

Data Retriever

The Data Retriever contains one abstract class and three subclasses extending it. The abstract class defines the common behavior of the data retrieval. The three classes extending it are defining the retrieval for InfluxDB, Prometheus, and CSV files.


The evaluator is implemented in the src/mtl_evaluation/ file. It receives an MTL formula, a prepared event trace, and some additional informations. The verification of the formula is started by calling the python-monitors library. The results of the verfication are then passed to the plotter.


The plotter is implemented in the src/mtl_evaluation/ file. It receives the results of the verification from the evaluator and creates the result plots. The plots are located in src/static/results.pdf and can be retrieved by accessing localhost:5000/static/results.pdf

How to run the tool in a docker container:

  1. Build the docker image:
docker build . -t transient-behavior-verifier
  1. Run the container:
docker run -p 5000:5000 transient-behavior-verifier
  1. You should now be able to access the web UI via localhost:5000

How to run the correctness evaluation:

In order to run the correctness evaluation, copy the contents of the correctness evaluation folder into src/static. Then import the postman collections into postman and make sure that the remote-csv-address fields point to the correct paths.

How to extend the predicate functions:

The predicate functions are located in the Predicates class located in src/handlers/ Below are presented some example predicate functions contained in the class:

class Predicates:
    def __init__(self, value=None):
        self.value = value
        self.trendLast = None
    def equal(self, variable):
        return variable == self.value
    def notEqual(self, variable):
        return variable != self.value
    def bigger(self, variable):
        return variable > self.value
    def smaller(self, variable):
        return variable < self.value

In order to add new fuctions, simply define define additional functions that return a Boolean value. The method parameters such as variable are used to pass the measurement values into the predicate. The prototype also supports multiple variables in one predicate, i.e. f(x,y).


The prototype implements a REST API. All available endpoints are listed below together with information about them:

URL Method Body Info
/monitor POST A JSON object containg a transient behavior specification. Initiates the evaluation of a transient behavior specificaiton.
/refine_timebound POST A JSON object containg a transient behavior specification.
The timebound in the specification is irrelevant.
Performs binary search to find the a time bound that satisfies the transient behavior specification.
/insert_spec_into_exp POST multipart/form-data - containing a transient behavior specification and a JSON file containig a chaos experiment. Inserts a transient behavior specification into a CTK chaos experiment and returns it as a downloadable file.
/save_spec POST form-data containing a transient behavior specification. Saves a transient behavior specification in a JSON file.
/result GET, POST Runs a transient behavior verification by calling the /monitor endpoint and returns the page visualizing the results.
/ GET Returns the welcoming page.
/index GET Also returns the welcoming page.
/create_spec_mtl GET Returns the page for creating a transient behavior specification using an MTL formula.
/create_spec_psp GET Returns the page for creating a transient behavior specification using a PSP definition.
/spec_selector GET Returns the page in which the user can select the way to define the behavior specification, i.e. MTL or PSP.
/create_exp GET Returns the page where a transient behavior specification can be inserted into a CTK chaos experiment.
/verify_behav GET Returns the page where a transient behavior verification can be carried out in a stand-alone manner.

JSON specification description:

  • behavior_description An optional text field that allows the specification of a text description of the transient behavior.

  • specification A required text field containing the formal description of the behavior, which is either an MTL formula, where the symbols for the temporal operators are replaced with their names or a textual PSP definition created using the PSP Wizard tool.

  • specification_type A required text field specifying the type of the formal behavior specification, can be either mtl or psp.

  • future-mtl An optional field allowing to specify that a future-MTL formula has been defined in the specification field. By default, the prototype assumes that the specified behaviors are in past-MTL. Additionally, the field should only be used when specification_type is set to mtl.

  • predicates_info A required array containing the information regarding the logical predicates in the formal behavior specification. The array contains objects of the following format:

    • predicate_description An optional text field that allows the specification of a text description of the logical predicate.
    • predicate_name A required text field containing the predicate name as it occurs in the formal specification above.
    • predicate_logic A required text field containing the name of a logical function from a predefined selection of Boolean operations provided by the prototype.
    • predicate_comparison_value A text field containing a value used as the comparison value for the respective logical operation. Not all functions require the inclusion of this field, e.g., the boolean function and the trend functions.
  • measurement_source A required text field defining the source of the measurement data, currently supporting influx for InfluxDB, prometheus for Prometheus,csv for local CSV files, and remote-csv for remote csv files, for example hosted on a web server.

  • remote-csv-address Required when measurement_source is set to remote-csv. This field contains the URL to the CSV table.

  • remote-misim-address Required when measurement_source is set to misim. This field contains the URL to the MiSim simulation results (set of result files in CSV format).

  • measurement_points A required array containing information regarding the measurement data.

    • measurement_name A required text field containing the name of the measurement as it occurs in the behavior specification.
    • measurement_query A text field specifying the query that will be used to retrieve the data. Only required when measurement_source is specified as influx or prometheus.
    • measurement_column A text field specifying the column from which the measurement data will be retrieved. Only required when measurement_source is set to csv or remote-csv.
    • start_time A text field for specifying the start time of the query interval. Only required when measurement_source is set to prometheus.
    • end_time A text field for specifying the end time of the query interval. Only required when measurement_source is set to prometheus.
    • steps A text field for specifying the steps of the query interval. Only required when measurement_source is set to prometheus.
  • options Set of options to configure TBVerifier behavior.

    • create_plots [Default: True] Whether to create plots for the verification results.
    • store_combined_misim_results [Default: False] Store the combined misim metrics in a file called "_combined.csv" in the same directory as the misim files.