Use this template to create your own PKI-as-a-Service deployment.
See our introduction for what it is.
to assemble artifacts and build docker images.
docker-compose up
to start database and PKI-as-a-Service.
You need to configure a docker context that points to the remote system and set that in the deploy script.
Remember to set the correct Server URL in etc/configuration.js at which the server can be reached.
For Internet facing hosts, we strongly recommend to use a Webserver as proxy.
The deployment assembles artifacts from using ant as build tools and ivy as dependency management. Both ant and ivy must be installed on the machine that controls the deployment (i.e. the build system).
On Debian ant and ivy can be installed using
sudo apt install ant ivy
The ivy module must be made available to ant with a link to the ivy.jar in /usr/share/ant/lib with
sudo ln -s -t /usr/share/ant/lib /usr/share/java/ivy.jar
The first user has special priviledges in the system. He initially has all major roles assigned and thus ultimate control. Usually the first user will then delegate roles to other users in the system.
In normal operations, the service will send e-mails using the SMTP server configured in etc/configuration.js.
Unless that is set, you will need to pick the activation code from the logs:
pkiaas-test | 69160 [qtp943081537-20] DEBUG pki-as-a-service.processes.RegisterMyTokenRequestModel - ACTIVATION CODE 604226
See our blog and screencast how to create your first trustcenter to manage SmartCard-HSMs, create a PKI, enroll persons and systems.
docker exec -it mariadb-test sh -c 'exec mariadb -udbuser -pchangeme'
docker exec -i mariadb-test mariadb-dump -udbuser -pchangeme pkiaas
restore with
docker exec -i mariadb-test sh -c 'exec mariadb -uroot -pchangeme' < dump.sql