This package is in charge of publishing all the data coming from the A1 robot sensors and control the velocity of the robot in the XY axis.
/a1_state (std_msgs/String)
/feet_forces (unitree_legged_msgs/FeetForces)
Force in the Z axis for each feet of the robot.
/feet_velocities (unitree_legged_msgs/FeetVelocities)
Velocities of the end of the feet of the robot in the XYZ axis.
/feet_polygon (geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped)
Position of the foot of the robot in XYZ axis.
/imu_raw (sensors_msg/Imu)
/pose (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
Position of the robot in XYZ. This position is measured by the robot, when the robot does not move, the XY positions are reseted.
/current_vel (geometry_msgs/TwistStamped)
Current velocity measured by the robot.
- /cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)