OpenCV v4.2.0 (framework for computer vision) for Android Firemonkey
- Delphi Rio (with Android SDK, Android NDK and JDK 1.8.* configured)
Download and unzip the archive or clone repository in the folder of your choice.
Step 3 - with the Options window open, navigate to Delphi Library using the left side menu. (Language -> Delphi -> Library)
Step 5 - in the item "Library path", click on the options button (3 dots, located on the right side of the option)
Step 6 - with the Directories window open, click on the button with a folder icon, to the right of an Edit
Step 1 - in your Android project, add the file "AndroidOpenCV.jar" ("jar" folder you downloaded from this project) in "Libraries"
Step 3 - in the combobox of the Deployment window, choose the option "All configurations - Android 32-bit platform" and then click "Add Files" (button with an "add file" icon, located in the menu of the Deployment window)
Step 4 - navigate to the folder you downloaded from this project and add all files from the "\libs\opencv\v4.2.0\armeabi-v7a", "\ libs\cpp_shared\armeabi-v7a" and "\libs\3rdparty\armeabi-v7a"
Step 5 - after adding all the necessary files, still in the Deployment window, change the Remote Path to "library\lib\armeabi-v7a" of all the files you added in the previous step
if you also have the project for Android 64, repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 replacing:
Step 3 - Combobox value
"All configurations - Android 32-bit platform" -> "All configurations - Android 64-bit platform"
Step 4 - folder names
"\libs\opencv\v4.2.0\armeabi-v7a" -> "\libs\opencv\v4.2.0\arm64-v8a"
"\libs\cpp_shared\armeabi-v7a" -> "\libs\cpp_shared\arm64-v8a"
"\libs\3rdparty\armeabi-v7a" -> "\libs\3rdparty\arm64-v8a"
Step 5 - Remote Path value
"library\lib\armeabi-v7a" -> "library\lib\arm64-v8a"
add Android.OpenCV in uses section
uses Android.OpenCV;
and load OpenCV library using
Good! Now you ready to use OpenCV on Android
- Carlos Modesto - Initial work - CarlosHe