A chat application
cd /path/to/workspace
git clone [email protected]:Carrene/jaguar.git
cd jaguar
pip install -e .
url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/jaguar_dev
test_url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/jaguar_test
administrative_url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/postgres
secret: A1dFVpz4w/qyym+HeXKWYmm6Ocj4X5ZNv1JQ7kgHBEk=\n
application_id: 1
url: http://localhost:8080
local_directory: %(root_path)s/data/assets
base_url: http://localhost:8080/assets
jaguar db create --drop --mockup
And or
jaguar db create --drop --basedata
jaguar [-c path/to/config.yml] db --drop
jaguar [-c path/to/config.yml] db --create
Or, you can add --drop
to drop the previously created database: TAKE CARE ABOUT USING THAT
jaguar [-c path/to/config.yml] db create --drop
To start the websocket server run the following command:
jaguar websocket start
To route the messages from the worker queue
to right WebSocket
use the following command:
jaguar router start
As a client you can recieve the message enqueued by the wscat
cli app. Like:
wscat -c ws://localhost:8085?token=$(jaguar token create 2 `panda access-token create -s email -- 2 1`)
when given access token, panda must be running.
cd path/to/panda
Run jaguar REST API server
cd path/to/jaguar
To enqueue the message, run the following command:
curl -XSEND localhost:8084/apiv1/targets/1/messages \
-H"Authorization: $(jaguar token create 2 `panda access-token create -s email title avatar -- 2 1`)" \
-F"body=abc" \
NOTE: If you want to get by another user, notice you enter sudo -u <username>
before the commands. like:
jaguar token create 2 `panda access-token create -s email -- 2 1`