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EV Smart Charging

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The EV Smart Charging integration will automatically charge the electric vehicle (EV) when the electricity price is the lowest. The integration natively supports the Nordpool, the Energi Data Service and the Entso-e integrations. The integration also supports a generic price format. Together with using a template sensor, many different price integrations should be possible to use.

The integration calculates the set of hours that will give the lowest price, by default restricted to a continuous set. This calculation is done when the electricity prices for tomorrow is available (typically between shortly after 13:00 CET/CEST and midnight) or when the time of the day is before the configured charge completion time. When the automatic charging has started, changes of settings will not have any effect.



  • Automatic EV charging control based on electrity prices.
  • Native support of the Nordpool, Energi Data Service and Entso-e integrations.
  • Support of a generic price format. A templete sensor can be used to get price information from many price integrations.
  • Configuraton of the latest time of the day when the charging should be completed, and the earliest time the charging can start.
  • Selection of preference between one continuous charging session or several (possibly more price optimized) non-continuous charging sessions.
  • Optional setting of minimum SOC level that should be reached indepently of the electrity price.
  • Optional setting to only charge when the electricty price is lower than a specified level (will be ignored if needed by the minimum SOC setting).
  • Optional setting to lower the level of maximum electricity price even further if the electricity price is very low at the end of the day tomorrow.
  • Optional setting to start charging immediately if the SOC is below a configured level.
  • Optional setting to start charging immediately if the electricity price is lower than a configured level.
  • Optional possibility to provide information to the integration about when the EV is connected to the charger.
  • Optional possibility to keep the charger on after completed charging, to enable preconditioning before departure, i.e., preheating/cooling can be done from the power grid instead of the battery.
  • Service calls to dynamically control all configuation parameters that affect charging.
  • Automatically detects and connects to the integrations Volkswagen We Connect ID and OCPP. Connnections to other EV and charger integrations can be configured manually.



  1. In Home Assistant go to HACS -> Integrations. Click on "+ Explore & Download Repositories" and search for "EV Smart Charging".

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

  1. In Home Assistant go to Settings -> Devices & Services -> Integrations. Click on "+ Add integration" and search for "EV Smart Charging".

Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.


  1. Using the tool of choice open the folder for your Home Assistant configuration (where you find configuration.yaml).
  2. If you do not have a custom_components folder there, you need to create it.
  3. In the custom_components folder create a new folder called ev_smart_charging.
  4. Download all the files from the custom_components/ev_smart_charging/ folder in this repository.
  5. Place the files you downloaded in the new folder you created.
  6. Restart Home Assistant.
  7. In Home Assistant go to Settings -> Devices & Services -> Integrations. Click on "+ Add integration" and search for "EV Smart Charging".


The configuration is done in the Home Assistant user interface.

The configuration form contains the entities that the integration is interacting with.

Parameter Required Description
Name Yes The name of the instance.
Electricity price entity Yes The Nordpool, the Energi Data Service, the Entso-e integration sensor entity or a template sensor providing the price in the generic price format. For the Entso-e integration, the entity called sensor.average_electricity_price_today should be used.
EV SOC entity Yes Entity with the car's State-of-Charge. A value between 0 and 100. Note that this entity is crucial for the integration. If live information about he SOC is not available, please carefully read the section below with more information about the EV SOC entity.
EV target SOC entity No Entity with the target value for the State-of-Charge. A value between 0 and 100. If not provided, 100 is assumed.
Charger control switch entity No If provided, the integration will directly control the charger by setting the state of this entity to 'on' or 'off'.
Charging control by EV integration Yes Select this if an EV integration (and not a charger integration) will be used to control start/stop of charging. Also, if an EV integration is used to control start/stop of charging, it is highly recommended to create an automation that controls switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected.

With the exception of Name, the above configuration items can be changed after intial configuration in Settings -> Devices & Services -> Integrations -> EV Smart Charging -> 1 device -> Configure. To change Name, the native way to rename Integrations or Devices in Home Assistant can be used.

Additional parameters that affects how the charging will be performed are available as configuration entities. These entities can be placed in the dashboard and can be controlled using automations.

Configuration entities

Entity Type Descriptions, valid value ranges and service calls
select.ev_smart_charging_charge_start_time Select The earliest time of the day for the charging to start. If None is selected, there will be no explicit limitation of the starting time. Valid options, "00:00", "01:00", ..., "23:00" and "None". Can be set by service call select.select_option.
select.ev_smart_charging_charge_completion_time Select The lastest time of the day for charging to reach the target State-of-Charge. If None is selected, charging will be optimized using all hours with available price information, including before tomorrow's prices are available. Valid options, "00:00", "01:00", ..., "23:00" and "None". Can be set by service call select.select_option.
number.ev_smart_charging_charging_speed Number The charging speed expressed as percent per hour. For example, if the EV has a 77 kWh battery and the charger can deliver 11 kW (3-phase 16 A), then set this parameter to 14.3 (11/77*100). If there are limitations in the charging power, it is preferred to choose a smaller number. Try and see what works for you! Valid values min=0.1, step=0.1, max=100. Can be set by service call number.set_value.
number.ev_smart_charging_electricity_price_limit Number If the switch.ev_smart_charging_apply_price_limit switch is activated, charging will not be performed during hours when the electricity price is above this limit. NOTE that this might lead to that the EV will not be charged to the target State-of-Charge. Valid values min=-10000, step=0.01, max=10000. Can be set by service call number.set_value.
number.ev_smart_charging_minimum_ev_soc Number The minimum State-of-Charge that should be charged by scheduled charging, independently of the electricity price. Valid values min=0, step=1, max=100. Can be set by service call number.set_value.
number.ev_smart_charging_opportunistic_level Number If the switch.ev_smart_charging_opportunistic_charging switch is activated, the price limit will be even further reduced if the price at the end of the day is lower than Electricity price limit * Opportunistic level / 100. For example, if the Opportunistic level is set to 50, the price limit will be set to 50% of the Electricity price limit. If the prices for tomorrow are available, the price at the end of the day tomorrow will be used as trigger. Valid values min=0, step=1, max=100. Can be set by service call number.set_value.
number.ev_smart_charging_low_soc_charging_level Number If the switch.ev_smart_charging_low_soc_charging switch is activated, charging will be done immediately if the EV SOC is below this level. Valid values min=0.0, step=1.0, max=100. Can be set by service call number.set_value.
number.ev_smart_charging_low_price_charging_level Number If the switch.ev_smart_charging_low_price_charging switch is activated, charging will be done immediately if the electricity price is below this level. Valid values min=-10000, step=0.01, max=10000. Can be set by service call number.set_value.


Entity Type Description
sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging Sensor The state is "on" or "off". Can be used with automations to control the EV charger.
sensor.ev_smart_charging_status Sensor The state is one of the following, "Waiting for new prices", "No charging planned", "Waiting for charging to begin", "Charging", "Keeping charger on", "Low price charging", "Low SOC charging", "Disconnected" and "Smart charging not active".
switch.ev_smart_charging_smart_charging_activated Switch Turns the EV Smart Charging integration on and off.
switch.ev_smart_charging_apply_price_limit Switch Applies the price limit.
switch.ev_smart_charging_opportunistic_charging Switch Activates opportunistic charging. See the desciption of the configuration entitynumber.ev_smart_charging_opportunistic_level. This feature requires the feature Electricity price limit to be on.
switch.ev_smart_charging_low_soc_charging Switch Activates charging immediately if the EV SOC is lower than a configured level. It is highly recommended to create an automation that controls switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected if this switch is set to on. Note that this charging is not shown as a scheduled charging. A typical use case is to charge the EV directly when returning home to a minimum level, and then do a complete charging using the scheduled charging when the price is lowest.
switch.ev_smart_charging_low_price_charging Switch Activates charging immediately if the electricity price is lower than a configured level. It is highly recommended to create an automation that controls switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected if this switch is set to on. Note that this charging is not shown as a scheduled charging.
switch.ev_smart_charging_continuous_charging_preferred Switch If turned on, will as basis schedule one continuous charging session. If turned off, will schedule charging on the hours with lowest electricity price, even if they are not continuous.
switch.ev_smart_charging_keep_charger_on Switch If "on", the sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging will not turn off after completed charge cycle. The feature is intended to enable preconditioning before departure, i.e., preheating/cooling can be done from the power grid instead of the battery. If this option is used, the feature Electricity price limit will be turned off, and vice versa. NOTE It is required that switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected is controlled in a proper way in order for this feature to work. Also, there is an assumption made that the EV itself will stop its charging when reaching the target SOC.
switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected Switch Tells the integration that the EV is connected to the charger. Is preferable controlled by automations (see example below). Can avoid problems occuring when the EV is not connected to the charger at the time the charging should start. Using it will also ensure that the sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging is set to "off" when the EV is not connected to the charger.
button.ev_smart_charging_manually_start_charging Button Manually start charging. This is totally independent of the automatic charging.
button.ev_smart_charging_manually_stop_charging Button Manually stop charging. This is totally independent of the automatic charging.

Sensor attributes

The sensor sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging has the following attributes.

Attribute Description
Current price The current price from the electricity price entity.
EV SOC The current SOC of the electric vehicle, as reported by the EV SOC entity.
EV target SOC The target SOC of the electric vehicle, as reported by the EV target SOC entity.
Charging is planned true if charging is planned, otherwise false. Is set to false after charging is completed.
Charging start time If charging is planned, the date and time when the charging will start.
Charging stop time If charging is planned, the date and time when the charging will stop.
Charging number of hours If charging is planned, the number of hours that charging will be done. This might be less than the number of hours between the start and stop times, if the apply_price_limit switch is activated.
Raw two days The electricty price today and tomorrow from the electricity price entity.
Charging schedule The calculated charging schedule. Can be used by an ApexCharts card to visulize the planned charging, see below.

Lovelace UI

ApexCharts Card can be used to create the follow type of graph. The black line shows when the automatic charging will be done.

Depending on the price unit used, modify the settings for unit, float_precision and color_threshold. For example, if the price unit SEK/kWh is used, change the follow lines in the example below.

        unit: ' SEK/kWh'

        float_precision: 2

          - value: -1
            color: cyan
          - value: 0
            color: green
          - value: 0.4
            color: orange
          - value: 1
            color: red
          - value: 2
            color: magenta
          - value: 5
            color: black


type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:apexcharts-card
      show: true
      label: Now
      color: '#ffc0cb'
    locale: en
      show: true
      title: EV Smart Charging
      show_states: true
    graph_span: 2d
      - min: ~0
          forceNiceScale: true
      start: day
        show: false
          show: true
          format: HH
          rotate: -45
          rotateAlways: true
          hideOverlappingLabels: true
            fontSize: 10
            fontWeight: 10
      - entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging
        name: Electricty price
        unit: ' öre/kWh'
        data_generator: >
          return => { return [new
          Date(entry.start), entry.value]; });
        type: line
        float_precision: 0
          in_header: before_now
        extend_to: false
          - value: -100
            color: cyan
          - value: 0
            color: green
          - value: 40
            color: orange
          - value: 100
            color: red
          - value: 200
            color: magenta
          - value: 500
            color: black
      - entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging
        name: Charging
        data_generator: >
          return => { return
          [new Date(entry.start), entry.value]; });
        type: area
        curve: stepline
        color: black
          in_header: false
        extend_to: false
      color_threshold: true
  - type: entities
      - entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging
        name: Charging
      - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_smart_charging_activated
        name: Smart charging activated
      - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_apply_price_limit
        name: Apply price limit
      - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_opportunistic_charging
        name: Opportunistic charging
      - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_continuous_charging_preferred
        name: Continuous charging preferred
      - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_keep_charger_on
        name: Keep charger on
      - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_low_price_charging
        name: Low price charging
      - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_low_soc_charging
        name: Low SOC charging
      - entity: button.ev_smart_charging_manually_start_charging
        name: Manually start charging
      - entity: button.ev_smart_charging_manually_stop_charging
        name: Manually stop charging
    title: EV Smart Charging
    show_header_toggle: false
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_status
    name: Status
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging
    attribute: EV SOC
    name: EV SOC
    icon: mdi:battery-70
    unit: '%'

Integrating with EVs

EV SOC entity

If the EV SOC is not available as the state of an entity but as a state attribute, e.g. a sensor called sensor.my_ev with an attribute EV SOC, then it can be configured to be used by the following three steps.

  1. Creating a Number Helper in Setting -> Devices & Services -> Helpers (for example named "SOC" that typically will create an entity input_number.soc)
  2. Creating an automation that sets the value of this Number Helper with the value of the state attribute.
  3. Use the Helper entity input_number.soc when providing the EV SOC entity in the configuration of this integration.
alias: EV SOC
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.my_ev
    attribute: EV SOC
condition: []
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: "{{ state_attr('sensor.my_ev', 'EV SOC') }}"
      entity_id: input_number.soc
mode: single

A lot of the functionality in this integration relies on knowing the EV SOC. However, if this information is not available, then it is still possible to use this integration to control a charger. In this case, create a Number Helper in Setting -> Devices & Services -> Helpers (for example named "SOC" that typically will create an entity input_number.soc), and then use this entity when configuring the integration. For the integration to work well, the value of the SOC should change between charging cycles. The recommended way to do this is to set the SOC value to 100 when charging is completed, and then set it to an appropriate value when starting next charging cycle.

For example, if the SOC entity is set 60, the Target SOC entity is set to 100 (or not configured) and the Charging speed parameter is set to 10, then there will be 4 hours of charging, (100-60)/10 = 4.

EV Target SOC entity

If the EV Target SOC is available as a state attribute, then a similar solution as for EV SOC above can be used.

If there is no integration that provides the EV Target SOC, one can create a Number Helper in Setting -> Devices & Services -> Helpers (for example named "Target SOC" that typically will create an entity input_number.target_soc), and then use this entity when configuring the integration.

Integrating with chargers

If your charger's integration does not provide a swicth entity that this integration can use for control, then the connection between this integration and your charger's integration can in many cases be made with automations.

Also, if information about the EV being connected to the charger is available, an automation can provide that information to the integration in order to improve the handling of the case when the car is not connected to the charger at the time charging is planned to start.

Some examples are given below. Additional examples are given in the Wiki page.

Example of automation to start charging

alias: EV Smart Charging - Start
description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: state
      - sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: easee.set_circuit_dynamic_limit
      charger_id: exxxxxxx (replace with your charger id, which can be found in the Easee app (Charger Settings -> About -> Serial Number))
      currentP1: 16 (replace with your preferred charging current)

Please replace the contents of action: with suitable contents for your charger.

Example of automation to stop charging

alias: EV Smart Charging - Stop
description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: state
      - sensor.ev_smart_charging_charging
    from: "on"
    to: "off"
condition: []
  - service: easee.set_circuit_dynamic_limit
      charger_id: exxxxxxx (replace with your charger id, which can be found in the Easee app (Charger Settings -> About -> Serial Number))
      currentP1: 0 (something below 6 to make the charging stop)

Please replace the contents of action: with suitable contents for your charger.

Example of automation to inform the integration that the EV is connected to the charger

alias: EV Smart Charging - EV connected
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.ocpp_status_connector
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: state
        entity_id: sensor.ocpp_status_connector
        state: Preparing
      - service: switch.turn_on
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected
      - if:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: sensor.ocpp_status_connector
            state: Available
          - service: switch.turn_off
            data: {}
              entity_id: switch.ev_smart_charging_ev_connected
mode: single

Verifying the configuration

To verify that the integration is able to control the charging, go to Settings -> Devices & Services -> Integrations -> EV Smart Charging -> 1 device -> Controls.

  1. Connect the EV to the charger.
  2. PRESS the Manually start charging.
  3. Check that charging is started.
  4. PRESS the Manually stop charging.
  5. Check that charging is stopped.
  6. PRESS the Manually start charging.
  7. Check that charging is started.

If the above works, the integration is able to control the charging.


Electric vehicle smart charging for Home Assistant.







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