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Iagon Storage Node Service

This document provides instructions for setting up and running the Iagon storage provider node service in a Docker container.


The initial setup is not currently automated. For the time being you will have to exec into the Docker container, finish setup manually, and then copy out your authorization key. Additionally, it is recommended to copy out the ~/iagon-node folder into a backup folder. These steps are detailed below.


Before you begin, ensure you have Docker Engine and a folder for storing Iagon data.


Before building and running the container, decide on the following configuration options:

  • IAGON_STORAGE_PATH: Path inside the container where files will be stored. Default is /mnt/iagon-storage.
  • IAGON_STORAGE_SIZE: The amount of storage to commit in GB. Default is 1024.
  • IAGON_SERVER_PORT: The port for the server. Default is 1024.

Building and deploying the Docker Image

  1. Clone the repository or download the Dockerfile and entrypoint script:
   git clone
   cd Iagon-Docker
  1. Edit the Dockerfile with any text editor and replace the environment variable settings mentioned above with values of your choosing.

  2. Build the docker image:

   docker build -t iagon-service .
  1. Run the container using the following command, replacing /path/to/external/storage with the actual path to your designated external storage on the host system:
   docker run -d \
  -p 1024:1024 \
  --name iagon-provider-node \
  -v iagon-data:/root/iagon-node \
  -v /path/to/storage/folder:/mnt/iagon-storage \
  -v /path/to/host/backup:/mnt/backup \


Ensure that you put your own filepath above for the second two volumes.


Change the port above if necessary.

Persisting Data

This container uses Docker volumes to persist data:

  • Configuration Data: Stored in /root/iagon-node inside the container and persisted in a volume named iagon-data.
  • Backup configuration: The configuration will additionally be copied from Docker into a local backup folder on the host.
  • File Storage: The external path you provide will be mounted to /mnt/iagon-storage inside the container, persisting any data stored there.

Updating the container

To update the service to the latest version, you'll need to rebuild the Docker image and restart the container. Here are the general steps:

  1. Stop and remove the existing container:
   docker stop iagon-provider-node
   docker rm iagon-provider-node
  1. Rebuild the image (this will fetch the latest release):
   docker build -t iagon-service .
  1. Run the new container as described in previous steps.

Extracting the authorization key *NOT CURRENTLY WORKING*


Unfortunately the automated setup isn't working yet, so please proceed to the manual workaround for your first time running this.

  1. View the logs for the node and read the authorization key:
   docker logs iagon-provider-node
  1. Additionally, these logs can be used for troubleshooting issues.

*WORKAROUND* Finishing setup manually:

  1. Exec into the container using the below command:

    docker exec -it iagon-provider-node /bin/bash
  2. Once inside the container, from the /opt/Iagon directory run:

    ./iag-cli-linux start
  3. Finish the interactive setup and copy->paste the authorization key to your host computer when finished.

  4. Finally, run the following command to copy the configration out of your Docker container into a backup folder:

    cp -R /root/iagon-node /mnt/backup

    The configuration info will also be persisted inside the iagon-data Docker volume we created when running the container. This should load automatically when you restart the container with the same command. If not, you can copy the backup in manually.

Opening Network Port

  1. The last step will be to open a port on your network firewall or port forward the chosen port to your home router. As this step differs heavily depending on your equipment and setup, this will be left as an exercise to the reader. This should be the same port selected as IAGON_SERVER_PORT.


Docker setup for running an Iagon Provider Node






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