"Cleaning Up the Neighborhood: White Influx and Differential Requests for Services" Replication Repo README
This document summarizes the included datasets (uploaded to Stanford Digital Repository) and code (located in this repository) to replicate and reproduce tables in Dahir et al.'s (2024) article "Cleaning Up the Neighborhood: White Influx and Differential Requests for Services", published in Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. These materials are intended for users to replicate all tables and figures in the article.
Data are stored in Stanford Digital Repository here.
df_full.csv: This dataset includes the analytic sample of block groups, their predicted trash, and number of 311 reports. Also includes neighborhood-level characteristics sourced from the American Community Survey.
df_map.dbf/.prj/.shp/.shx: This dataset includes all block groups with corresponding polygons for mapping.
df_gent.csv: This dataset is aggregated to the census tract and contains corresponding gentrification information.
For all datasets, the accompanying codebook (Cleaning_Up_Codebook.xlsx) details each column’s values and their meanings.
tables-figures.R uses the datasets to generate all of the tables and figures in the paper.