This project aims to investigate on timing side-channel on RSA hardware algorithms using self-composition and taint analysis. Our works are listed as follows:
- Implemented an RSA module (that is prone to timing side-channel) using Verilog
- Instantiated two RSA modules and Carried out self-composition using JasperGold to check possible information leakage
- Synthesized the RSA module into gate-level netlist and added taint signals for taint analysis using JasperGold to check possible information leakage
- Based on the counter-examples provided in self-composition and taint analysis, implemented an RSA module that is resilient to timing side-channel.
Our RSA module did the following three tasks:
Key Generation: Given two prime numbers
$p$ and$q$ , it generates a public key$e$ and private key$d$ such that$gcd(e, \phi) = 1$ and$e*d (mod \phi) = 1$ , where$\phi = (p-1)(n-1)$ . The public key$e$ is initialized to$3$ and is updated by$e=e+2$ until we find the first valid value. The private key$d$ is computed using the extended euclidean algorithm. -
Encryption: Given the original message
$m$ , public key$e$ , and$n (=p*q)$ , it computes the encrypted message$c=m^e (mod n)$ . It is implemented using modular multiplication. -
Decryption: Given the encrypted message
$c$ , private key$e$ , and$n (=p*q)$ , it computes the decrypted message$m_{decrypted}=c^d (mod n)$ . It is implemented also using modular multiplication.
Default bit width:
- prime numbers p, q: 8 bits
- original and encrypted messages m, c: 16 bits
For taint analysis, we first synthesize the input RTL module (
Similar to taint analysis, self-composition is done by querying model checking on the self-composition module (
For Self-Composition:
├── RSA
│ ├── KeyGen
| | ├── Mult
| | ├── gcd
| | | └── Divide
│ ├── RSA_encrypt
| | ├── Mult
| | └── Divide
│ ├── RSA_encrypt
| | ├── Mult
| | └── Divide
└── CheckPrime
For Taint Analysis:
├── RSA_t (RSA module that is first flattened to AIG and then parsed with taint logic)
└── CheckPrime
(1) Flatten the Verilog modules into AIG
yosys ./scripts/synth2aig
(2) Add taint propagation logic
- Verification with JasperGold's SPV
./scripts/ ./scripts/spv_verify.tcl
- Verification with self-composition
./scripts/ ./scripts/sv_verify.tcl
- Verification with taint analysis
./scipts/ ./scripts/taint_verify.tcl
- Insecure RSA: In
, uncomment the insecure RSA modules and comment the secure ones.
- Secure RSA: In
, uncomment the secure RSA modules and comment the insecure ones.
- Taint Analysis: change the default bit-width of the RSA module in
module RSA #(parameter WIDTH = YOUR_SPECIFIED_WIDTH)( ...
- Self-Composition: change the default bit-width of the RSA module in
module RSA_sc #(parameter WIDTH = YOUR_SPECIFIED_WIDTH)( ...
- JasperGold's SPV: change the default bit-width of the RSA module in
module RSA_spv #(parameter WIDTH = YOUR_SPECIFIED_WIDTH)( ...