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russplaysguitar edited this page Nov 2, 2011 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Hacking-Autism wiki!

Pre-existing apps:


The app is based on a visual thermometer for autistic users. The user can use it when he/she is happy/sad.

The app on its first stage contains two icons representing 'happy' and 'sad', which a user can tap on depending on their emotions.

The taps needs to be logged every time, later generating a report which may include time, user, location, day and much more.

Later, once the user is capable which is determined by their parents or teacher, the app can have multiple options for different emotions which is again logged.


The app should be as simple as possible for the user.

The app is flexible and we can develop it to make it more useful until we keep the design intuitive and simple.

Design Documents

Database Design

Class Diagrams

Leader Name + GitHub ID

Arpit S. (nkrp)


HTML5 Javascript The app is expected to work universally, thus a web based platform.

Some good autism apps: