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2. First project

milleniumbug edited this page Jul 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Adding a new project

The program starts up with this


You can add a new project by clicking the "Add project" option, which allows you to select the directory where the files are located. Once you've added the project, you can select it and adapt it to the file structure you have.



Select the "Project settings" option.


The default file structure assumes you have files in the following layout:

main directory
|   |
|   ----ch001
|   |   |
|   |   ---- raw
|   |        |
|   |        ----000.png
|   |        ----001.png
|   |        ----002.png
|   ----ch002
|   |   |
|   |   ---- raw
|   |        |
|   |        ----000.png
|   |        ----001.png
|   |        ----002.png
|   ----ch003
|   |   |
|   |   ---- raw
|   |        |
|   |        ----000.png
|   |        ----001.png
|   |        ----002.png
|   |
|   ----ch004
|   |   |
|   |   ---- raw
|   |        |
|   |        ----000.png
|   |        ----001.png
|   |        ----002.png
|   ----ch005
|   |   |
|   |   ---- raw
|   |        |
|   |        ----000.png
|   |        ----001.png
|   |        ----002.png
|   ----ch006
|   |   |
|   |   ---- raw
|   |        |
|   |        ----000.png
|   |        ----001.png
|   |        ----002.png

In our case we have the raw files in the .jpg format, and four digits per chapter number, so after made the following changes


And lo and behold: our project shows up properly.


The extractor screen

The page preview entry has a three possible modes, which are selectable with the dropdown at the upper right corner:


"Translate" mode: The raw page is displayed together with detailed information for each captured line of the text, including the glosses and the notes.


"Read" mode: The raw page is displayed together with translated lines.


"Translated" mode: The translated page is displayed together with translated lines. The translated pages are located under the directory configured under the "Translated Pages" section in the Project Settings. You can either create a translated page by yourself following the name convention you've set up, or you can let the program use ImageMagick in order to create the translated page from a Photoshop PSD or GIMP XCF file from a page save you have in a directory located under the "Page Saves" directory.


Adding the capture

Once you have a OCR tool configured under the App Settings, you can select a part of a page to attempt to OCR the bubble.


Once OCR is done, you can edit the text to fix mistakes done by the tool.

You can click on the "Gloss" button in order to break down the sentence and look up individual words.


These notes are added under the "Gloss" section of the capture, which then you can edit for them to be applicable to the context these words are used in.

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