- 👋 Hi, I’m @Chris3All7EN10
- 👀 I’m interested in ... Business and computers
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... a lot about computer networking and coding
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... anything fun
- 📫 How to reach me ... [email protected]
-Currently Working on an integrated App innovation involving Web/ Mobile Apps, IoT, AI Bots, Power Apps, API's, CI/CD pipelines, and needs to be globally available, with everything Azure has to offer I am absolutely sure I can create everything I need to in order to make this dream a reality. However due to financial constraints and some very important Azure budgeting learning curves, curved too late, I'm looking to be cut off on Azure :-( mistakes I will not be making again mind you however not sure how much microsoft will be willing to work with me on all those misfortuneate blunders. However anyone that would be interested in taking part in a possible revolutionary innovative intergation to change the trucking and transit safety industries which could lead to lucrative porfits for years to come please connact me -How you could help -I'm in need of at least $5000 for Azure bills, software licensing, slightly better computer equipment, IoT equipment etc. -Experienced software engineers, anyone who is in good with microsoft who may be able to negoticated possible solutions to my overpriced bills would be a plus -Anyone who is currently hiring I'm looking for gainful employment, I am enrolled in colledge working toward a Batchlor's Degree in Data Science, working diligently on getting any and all microsoft certifications, have 20 years in heavy equipment mechanic/ maintence and hauling experience, data entry, innvocing, and transportation logists I know this is not a forum for fund raising/ job search how ever I trust this community more than most