To create your own FizzyDex files run the scripts in the following order:
- scraper - creates /rawHTML/ folder and downloads Serebii pages into it
- pokemonGenIndexParser - creates /data/pokemonGenIndex.json
- infoListParser - creates /output/pokemonList.json, a list of info exluding move sets
- moveListParser - creates /genMoveLists/ folder, and a move list file for each generation
- moveListConsolidator - combines the generation move lists together into one master list, filling in any blanks left by cross-generational changes for: pre evo moves, TM/HM moves, and tutor moves
Important data is kept in the data folder
- pokemonGenIndex - generated file, notes which Pokemon appeared in which generation and that corresponding HTML file
- extraPokeFormInfo - handmade file, contains extra info to add to certain forms of pokemon
Property: [list of {Form}{Pokemon Name}: "Value"]
- fizzyDexCustom - handmade file, COMPLETE infomation about any custom Pokemon and Forms that are to be added to the final output files
- evolutionChains - handmade file, list of evolution chains
- formChanges - handmade file, list of form changes
Supporting js code/definitions are kept in the src folder
- pokemonList.json
- pokemonMoveList.json