Copyright 2011 Cory LaViska for A Beautiful Site, LLC. (
Dual licensed under the MIT / GPLv2 licenses
This class attempts to make basic image manipulation easier in PHP. Each method is called as a static function:
Simple_Image::[method-name]($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, ...)
All methods require a $src file and a $dest file. If you're not worried about preserving the original image, $src and $dest can be the same file.
Many of the arguments are self explanatory. The $quality parameter can always be omitted, but if you need to set it then use 0-9 for PNG compression and 0-100 for JPEG quality (it is ignored for GIF files).
This class requires the PHP GD library. Some methods (i.e. colorize and pixelate) require a more recent version of PHP. The rest can be used with any recent version of PHP + GD.
Simple_Image::convert('image.jpg', 'image.gif');
Simple_Image::flip('image.jpg', 'image-flipped.jpg', 'x');
Simple_Image::rotate('image.jpg', 'image-rotated.jpg', 180);
Simple_Image::grayscale('image.jpg', 'image-greyscale.jpg');
Simple_Image::invert('image.jpg', 'image-invert.jpg');
Simple_Image::brightness('image.jpg', 'image-brightness.jpg', 50);
Simple_Image::contrast('image.jpg', 'image-contrast.jpg', 50);
Simple_Image::colorize('image.jpg', 'image-colorize.jpg', 255, 150, 0, 100);
Simple_Image::edgedetect('image.jpg', 'image-edgedetect.jpg');
Simple_Image::emboss('image.jpg', 'image-emboss.jpg');
Simple_Image::blur('image.jpg', 'image-blur.jpg', 4);
Simple_Image::smooth('image.jpg', 'image-smooth.jpg', 100);
Simple_Image::pixelate('image.jpg', 'image-pixelate.jpg', 4);
Simple_Image::sepia('image.jpg', 'image-sepia.jpg');
Simple_Image::resize('image.jpg', 'image-resize.jpg', 50, 200);
Simple_Image::resize_to_width('image.jpg', 'image-resize-to-width.jpg', 2000);
Simple_Image::resize_to_height('image.jpg', 'image-resize-to-height.jpg', 100);
Simple_Image::shrink_to_fit('image.jpg', 'image-shrink.jpg', 100, 100);
Simple_Image::crop('image.jpg', 'image-crop.jpg', 100, 100, 500, 400);
Simple_Image::square_crop('image.jpg', 'image-square_crop.jpg', 128);
Simple_Image::watermark('image.jpg', 'image-watermark.jpg', 'watermark.png', 'bottom-right', 50, 10);
Simple_Image::text('image.jpg', 'image-text.jpg', 'Sample Text', 'Delicious-Bold.ttf', 36, '#FFF', 'bottom-center', 10, '#000', -2, 2);