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Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models for time-series analysis


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Bayesian Dynamic Linear Model for time-series analysis

OpenBDLM is a Matlab open-source software developed to use Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models for time series analysis having time steps in the order of one hour or higher. OpenBDLM is capable to process simultaneously several time series data to interpret, monitor and predict their long-term behavior. The approach works by modeling the raw time series using a superposition of hidden state variables describing the baseline, external effects and residuals. OpenBDLM includes an anomaly detection tool which allows to detect abnormal behavior in a fully probabilistic framework. OpenBDLM handles time series with missing data and non-uniform timestep vector.

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How to cite

OpenBDLM, an Open-Source Software for Structural Health Monitoring using Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models
Gaudot, I., Nguyen, L.H., Khazaeli S. and Goulet, J.-A.
In the proceedings from the 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), May 2019
[PDF] [EndNote] [BibTex]


These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for direct use, testing and development purposes.


Matlab (version 2016a or higher) installed on Mac OSX or Windows

The Matlab Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox is required.


  1. Extract the ZIP file (or clone the git repository) in a folder you will be working from.
  2. Add the OpenBDLM-master/ folder and all the sub folders to your path in Matlab : e.g.
    • using the "Set Path" dialog in Matlab, or
    • by running the addpath function from the Matlab command window
  3. Remove from your Matlab path all previously OpenBDLM versions

Getting started

Enter in the folder OpenBDLM-master, and type OpenBDLM_main; in the Matlab command line. The OpenBDLM main menu should appear on the Matlab command window:

     Starting OpenBDLM_V1.0...

            Time series analysis using Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models


- Start a new project: 

     *      Enter a configuration filename 
     0   -> Interactive tool 

- Type D to Delete project(s), V for Version control, Q to Quit.

     choice >> 

Type Q to Quit the program.

Then, in the Matlab command line, type run_DEMO to run a little demo. You should see some messages on the Matlab command window showing that the programs runs properly:

     Starting OpenBDLM_V1.0...
     Starting a new project...
     Building model...
     Creating synthetic data...
     Plotting data...
     Saving database (binary format) ...
     Saving database (csv format) ...
     Saving project...
     Printing configuration file...
     Saving database (binary format) ...
     Saving project...
     See you soon !

If you do not see anything except Matlab errors verify your Matlab version, and your Matlab path. Be sure that you run the program from the top-level of OpenBDLM-master folder, not from another folder.


OpenBDLM_main accepts three types of input

  1. no input (OpenBDLM_main;) The program then runs in interactive mode, in which online user's interactions from the command line is required to perform the analysis.
  2. a configuration file as input, (OpenBDLM_main('CFG_DEMO.m');). The configuration file is used to initialize the project, and the program then runs in interactive mode. Configuration file must follow a specific format (see OpenBDLM documentation)
  3. a cell array as input (OpenBDLM_main({'''CFG_DEMO.m''','3','1','''Q'''});). The program runs in batch mode, in which pre-loaded commands stored in the input cell-array are sequentially read by the program to perform the analysis.


OpenBDLM_main has the possibility to return four output Matlab structures containing the information about the internal variables data, model,estimation, misc. Type [data, model, estimation, misc] = OpenBDLM_main; to get data, model, estimation, and misc as variables in the Matlab worskpace.

  1. data: structure which stores the time series data used for the analysis.
  2. model : structure which stores all the information about the model used for the analysis (current model structure and model parameters values)
  3. estimation: structure which stores the computed hidden states estimation using the current data and model.
  4. misc: structure which stores all the internal variables used by the functions of the program

Further details about data, model, estimation, and misc can be found in the OpenBDLM documentation.


OpenBDLM_main reads and/or create five types of files:

  1. Data file DATA_*.mat: MAT binary file that store the time series data. These files are located in thedata folder.
  2. Configuration file CFG_*.m : Matlab script used to initialize and export a project in human readable format. These files are located in theconfig_files folder.
  3. Project file PROJ_*.mat : MAT binary file that stores a full project for further analysis (basically a project file stores the structure model, estimation, and misc ). These files are located in thesaved_projects folder.
  4. Result file RES_*.mat : MAT binary files that stores the results. These files are located in the results/mat folder.
  5. Log file LOG_*.txt : Text file that records information about the analysis. These files are located in thelog_files folder.

Version control

For the users, version control tests verifies that the program runs properly on your machine. For development purpose, version control tests verifies that changes you have made are still compatible with the previous stable OpenBDLM version. To run version control, type OpenBDLM_main(); in the Matlab command line, and then type V. If program runs properly, you should get in the Matlab command window some messages as shown below:

- Version control test #1
     Starting OpenBDLM_V1.0...
     Loading configuration file...
     Building model...
     Computing hidden states ...
     Saving project...
     Plotting hidden states estimations ...
     Saving project...
     See you soon !
     ==> Version control test 1: PASS


Most functions accept numerous options; you can check them out by inspecting their help:

help OpenBDLM_main

Built With


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


To be done...


  • James A-Goulet - Initial code and development - webpage
  • Luong Ha Nguyen - Development - webpage
  • Ianis Gaudot - Development - webpage

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Note that OpenBDLM has been originally developed to use Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models in the context of Structural Health Monitoring, i.e to process simultaneously any time series data recorded on a civil structure (e.g. displacement, elongation, pressure, traffic, temperature, etc...) to monitor and predict its long-term behavior.


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE.txt file for details


Some part of the code greatly benefited from previous works:


Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models for time-series analysis







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3

