UsageSafe is an app that aims to help you to track how much time you spend (or waste) on your phone. It gives you detailed statistics about your phone usage in general or for specific apps separately.
With the app blocker functionality, you can specify limits for each app independently, so that when you exceed that limit, you won't be able to open it for the rest of the day.
Whenever you want to delete or update a limit, you have to wait 15 seconds, which doesn't seem like a lot but it can successfully discourage you from doing that.
Besides standard app limits, there is a special Focus Mode. It allows you to block specific apps that you find the most distracting or you spend the most time within. You simply select those distracting apps, turn on the mode, and all of those apps won't be available for you unless you turn it off again.
- Kotlin
- Android Architecture Components
- Dagger 2
- Room Database
- RxJava 2
- Glide
- Anko
- Pallete API
- MPAndroidChart
- JUnit 4, Mockito