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ZCSPM Kubernetes Agent Helm Chart

This directory contains a Kubernetes chart to deploy ZCSPM Agent.

Chart Details

This chart will do the following:

  • Create a Namespace
  • Create a Configmap with ZCSPM Configurations
  • Create a Secret with ZCSPM API keys
  • Create a CronJob which runs ZCSPM Agent

Installing the Chart

To install the chart, use the following:

$ helm install <Release Name> charts/zcspm-agent \
    --set clusterName=<Name of K8s Cluster> \
    --set licenseId=<ZCSPM License Id> \
    --set accountId=<ZCSPM Account Id> \
    --set zcspmEnvironment=<qa/trial/prod/prod1/prod2/prod3> \
    --set zcspmApiAppId=<ZCSPM API App Id> \
    --set zcspmAPIAppSecret=<ZCSPM API App Secret> \
    --set zcspmAPIKey=<ZCSPM API Key> \
    --set clusterHosting=<AKS/AKS-Engine/EKS/VM-hosted/EC2-Instance-hosted/GKE>

Put release name as zcspm-agent


The following table lists the required ZCSPM configuration parameters along with their default values.

Parameter Description Default Required from Customer
clusterName Kubernetes Cluster Name - Yes
licenseId ZCSPM API License Id - Yes
accountId ZCSPM Account Id - Yes
zcspmAPIAppId ZCSPM API App Id - Yes
zcspmAPIAppSecret ZCSPM API App Secert - Yes
zcspmAPIKey ZCSPM API Key - Yes
clusterHosting Kubernetes Cluster hosting to use AKS Yes
zcspmEnvironment ZCSPM environment to use prod No
images.zcspmAgentImage.repository Container image to use cloudneeticorp/zcspm-agent No
images.zcspmAgentImage.tag Container image tag to deploy 2.14 No
images.pullPolicy Container pull policy Always No
cronjob.schedule Schedule for the CronJob 0 12 * * * No
cronjob.concurrencyPolicy `Allow Forbid Replace` concurrent jobs
cronjob.failedJobsHistoryLimit Specify the number of failed Jobs to keep 3 No
cronjob.successfulJobsHistoryLimit Specify the number of completed Jobs to keep 2 No

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Upgrading the Chart

To upgrade the chart, use the following:

$ helm upgrade [RELEASE] charts/zcspm-agent [flags] --reuse-values

Specify parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm upgrade in order to modify earlier set values.

Rollback to the previous version

To rollback to the previous version, use the following:

$ helm rollback <RELEASE> [REVISION]


To delete the chart, use the following:

$ helm uninstall <RELEASE>