CocoaPods plugin which allows you to generate a framework or static library from a podspec.
This plugin is for CocoaPods developers, who need to distribute their Pods not only via CocoaPods, but also as frameworks or static libraries for people who do not use Pods.
There are still a number of advantages to developing against a podspec
, even if your public distribution is closed-source:
- You can easily use the Pod in-house in an open-source style. This makes step-by-step debugging and multi-project development a breeze.
- You can pull in third-party dependencies using CocoaPods. (CocoaPods Packager is even capable of mangling symbols to improve compatibility with any symbols that might appear in the integrating app.)
- You can declaratively specify build settings (e.g. frameworks, compiler flags) in your
. This is easier to maintain and replicate than build settings embedded in your Xcode project.
$ gem install cocoapods-packager
or add a line to your Gemfile:
gem "cocoapods-packager"
then run bundle install
This installs Packager as a CocoaPods plugin.
$ pod package KFData.podspec
See also pod --help