This is the frontend part of the Chat App, built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Socket.IO client. It provides a user interface for the chat application, allowing users to interact with the real-time chat functionality provided by the backend.
- User Authentication: Users can register a new account by providing a unique username, and password.
- Create Chat Room: Authenticated users can create new chat rooms by providing a unique room name.
- Join Existing Chat Room: Users can join existing chat rooms by entering the room name or selecting from a list of available rooms.
- Private Messaging: Users can send private messages to other users.
- Real-time Messaging: Users receive real-time updates when new messages are sent in the chat room.
$ git clone
$ cd chat-app-frontend
$ npm install
# make sure backend is running on 8000 port
$ BACKEND_URL='http://localhost:8000'
$ NEXT_PUBLIC_SOCKET_URL='ws://localhost:8080'
# development
$ npm run dev
# production mode
$ npm run start
The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.
- Ensure the backend server is running.
- Open the frontend application in your browser (http://localhost:3000 by default).
- Register a new user or log in using existing credentials.
- Create or join chat rooms and engage in real-time conversations.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, you are welcome.
- Author - Bhat Owais
- Website -
- Twitter - @ovaixe
This project is MIT licensed.
- Mention any libraries, frameworks, or tools you used.
- Provide credits to authors or contributors of external code.
Feel free to adapt this template further based on your project's specific needs.