Asterin041 is a customized WhatsApp bot designed to enhance group interactions and automate tasks. The bot is capable of tagging all group members, reacting to specific phrases, and performing group spam based on user commands. This README provides details on how to use, contribute to, and extend the bot.
Asterin041 can assist with the following commands:
- Command: Just type "Good morning" or "Good night".
- Description: The bot will respond with a flower emoji 🌸.
- Command:
@Asterin041 Spam "<text to spam>" <number>
- Description: Tag the bot and specify a message in double quotes, along with a number, to spam the group with the provided message.\n
- Command:
Stop @Asterin041
- Description: The spam will stop only if the person who initiated the spam uses this command.
- Command:
- Description: It will display all the commands and do they do.
To set up the bot locally, follow these steps:
git clone
cd Whatsapp-TagAll
- Create a Firebase project:
- Go to Firebase Console.
- Create a new project and set up the required configurations.
- Generate Firebase Admin SDK Credentials:
- Go to Project Settings -> Service accounts.
- Generate a new private key and download the JSON file.
- Use the information from the JSON to set the following environment variables:
- Ensure only specific users can access and use the bot by updating the authorizedParticipants array in your code:
const authorizedParticipants = [
// Add more participant environment variables as needed
- Configure env variables for the same
BOT_ID = "<phonenumber>"
Start the bot using:
node index.js