Webseite der Campus Cneipe, master:HEAD
wird automatisch nach https://www.c2.tum.de/ deployed.
Aktuelle PDF-Version der Karte
You need to have at least NodeJS 16 installed.
Run: npm i
Run locally: npm run dev
Compile for production: npm run build
In case it complains about missing file: touch scripts/menu.pdf
to prevent broken symlink.
- Generate ready2order API key and
export R2O_API_KEY=yourkey
./scripts/update_menu.py > data/menu_data.json
- add and commit
- Make sure you have proper
for Google API ./scripts/update_calendar.py
- add and commit
- Make sure you are inside
nix shell
niv update
nix shell
ordirenv reload
(if you use direnv)
- Make changes to
(get latest versions from project pages / github) npm update