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Folio Producer API

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This is a PHP library for wrapping the API calls to the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite Folio Producer API. The goal is to make your life easier and encapsulte the nitty gritty details. Specifically it will:

  • automatically handle authentication when making API requests
  • cache authentication information for making subsequent calls to the API
  • automatically update tokens and API servers when provided by API responses
  • reauthenticate and retry failed API requests if they return InvalidTicket errors

This project is a conglomeration between Coffee and Code and Studio Mercury, who have created many customized and engaging experiences together on the DPS platform for a wide variety of clients.

If you're interested in working with us on your own projects, you can reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected].


This project requires PHP 5.3.3+.

It uses PHP namespaces which require version 5.3+. It is highly recommended to use PHP Sessions as well so that we can re-use API authentication tokens instead of requesting a new one for each page request. By simply calling session_start(), this library will cache authentication information in sessions and sync changes accordingly.

The project uses Composer for managing dependencies, which only includes PHPUnit for development.

For production, use: composer install --no-dev

For local development, use: composer install


The following code initializes your PHP session to re-use API authentication, loads your API configuration, and initializes the API client for subsequent calls.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';
include 'config.php';

if (!isset($config)) { user_error('Missing configuration.'); }
$client = new DPSFolioProducer\Client($config);

You can then make API calls by issuing one of the following requests like the following retrieval of all folio metadata.

$request = $client->execute('get_folios_metadata');

// $request->response will be non-null if successful
if ($request->response) {
    foreach ($request->response->folios as $folio) {
        echo '<hr />';
} else {
    // iterate through all errors, including validation errors done
    // without issuing the actual API request
    foreach ($request->errors() as $error) {
        echo $error->message;

Create Session

This will authenticate with DPS and use your credentials on subsequent requests.

Note: You should not have to make this call explicitly as it is automatically called by the library when needed before executing another API call.

$request = $client->execute('create_session');

Delete Session

This will clear out stored credentials and any used session variables if the API call is successsful.

$request = $client->execute('delete_session');

Get New Servers

This will update stored credentials to use the returned api and download servers on subsequent API requests.

$request = $client->execute('get_new_servers');

Get All Folio Metadata

$request = $client->execute('get_folios_metadata');

echo '<h1>Folios</h1>';
if ($request->response) {
    foreach ($request->response->folios as $folio) {
        echo '<hr />';

Get Specific Folio Metadata

$request = $client->execute('get_folio_metadata', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id

Create a Folio

$options = array(
    'folioName' => 'Test Folio Name',
    'folioNumber' => 'folio-'.time(),
    'magazineTitle' => 'Magazine Title',
    'resolutionHeight' => 240,
    'resolutionWidth' => 240
$request = $client->execute('create_folio', $options);

Delete a Folio

$request = $client->execute('delete_folio', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id

Duplicate a Folio

$request = $client->execute('duplicate_folio', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id

Update a Folio

$request = $client->execute('update_folio', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id,
    'folioName' => 'Updated Folio Name'

Upload Folio Preview Image

$request = $client->execute('upload_folio_preview_image', array(
    'filepath' => 'images/folio image.jpg',
    'folio_id' => $folio_id,
    'orientation' => 'landscape' // or 'portrait'

Download Folio Preview Image

$request = $client->execute('download_folio_preview_image', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id,
    'orientation' => 'landscape' // or 'portrait'

Delete Folio Preview Image

$request = $client->execute('delete_folio_preview_image', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id,
    'orientation' => 'landscape' // or 'portrait'

Upload HTML Resources

$request = $client->execute('upload_html_resources', array(
    'filepath' => 'data/',
    'folio_id' => $folio_id

Delete HTML Resources

$request = $client->execute('delete_html_resources', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id

Create an Article

$request = $client->execute('create_article', array(
    'filepath' => 'data/example.folio',
    'folio_id' => $folio_id

Delete an Article

$request = $client->execute('delete_article', array(
    'article_id' => $article_id,
    'folio_id' => $folio_id

Update Article Metadata

$request = $client->execute('update_article_metadata', array(
    'article_id' => $article_id,
    'folio_id' => $folio_id,
    'description' => 'My new description.'

Get All Article Metadata

$request = $client->execute('get_articles_metadata', array(
    'folio_id' => $folio_id


There are three types of errors that may be returned from a request. They are Error, APIResponseError, and ValidationError. They all have a message property that describes the error.

APIResponseError also contains the status and httpStatusCode from the data returned by Adobe's DPS server.


PHPUnit is brought into the project with Composer which requires PHP 5.3.2+ to run.

  1. change to directory of project
  2. install Composer -
  3. install Composer dependencies with php composer.phar install
  4. run unit tests with vendor/bin/phpunit test/

Note: Test files must end in *Test.php and test method names must start with test*.

Test Coverage

If you have xdebug installed, you can create an html code coverage report by running:

vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html ./coverage

CI Server

This project used to run on CodeShip with the following config:


# Set php version through phpenv. 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 available
phpenv local 5.5
# Install dependencies through Composer
composer install --prefer-source --no-interaction
# Install extensions through Pecl
# yes yes | pecl install memcache


phpenv local 5.4
phpenv local 5.3


A PHP wrapper library for the Adobe DPS Folio Producer API.







No packages published

Contributors 3

