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Kubernetes Helm Chart to deploy MongoDB - a dependency of Cognigy.AI - into modern cloud environments.

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Multi-Replica MongoDB Helm Chart for Cognigy.AI

This Helm Chart installs a Multi-Replica MongoDB setup with High Availability (HA) support across three availability zones. It is based on MongoDB chart by Bitnami and installs MongoDB v4.2.5 compatible with Cognigy.AI


  • Kubernetes v1.21-v1.30 running on either:
    • AWS EKS
    • Azure AKS
    • generic on-premises kubernetes platform. Running MongoDB Helm Chart on-premises will require additional manual configuration, we recommend to use public clouds (AWS or Azure) instead.
  • kubectl utility connected to the kubernetes cluster
  • Helm v3.10-v3.12
  • Persistent Volume provisioner in the underlying infrastructure for MongoDB persistent volumes (for AWS/Azure no further configuration is required)

Storage Class

Cognigy.AI requires certain performance requirements for MongoDB storage. To meet such requirements and to deploy MongoDB on common public cloud providers you need to create mongodb kubernetes StorageClass accordingly. Manifests for the mongodb StorageClass are located in cloud-providers folder. E.g. for AWS create mongodb StorageClass with:

kubectl apply -f cloud-providers/aws/mongodb.yaml

For generic (on-premises) kubernetes cloud provider you need to prepare StorageClass manifest yourself ensuring the underlying infrastructure can provision the required persistent volume on-demand. mongodb StorageClass must support high IO throughput, see AWS example for reference.


Setting Essential Parameters

To deploy a new MongoDB helm release you need to create a separate file with Helm release values. You can use values_prod.yaml as a baseline, we recommend to start with it.

  1. Make a copy of values_prod.yaml into a new file and name it accordingly, we refer to it as YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml later in this document.
  2. You need to set at least following parameters for this Helm release:
    1. Set MongoDB root user password. Create a secure password and set it in YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml under auth.rootPassword variable
    2. Set the same root password in metrics section in metrics.password variable for prometheus metrics container to be able to connect to the database, otherwise the deployment will crash.
    3. Create another secure key and set it for replica set in auth.replicaSetKey variable. This key is used for internal membership authentication for MongoDB replicas, The key must be at least 6 characters long. Do not use special characters in the key!
    4. Set the size of the MongoDB persistent volume in persistence.size according to your requirements. We set it to a recommended value of 200Gi for Cognigy.AI production installations by default.
    5. OPTIONAL: configure other parameters by copying them from charts/bitnami/mongodb/values.yaml into YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml if required. For a full description of charts/bitnami/mongodb/values.yaml parameters see official Bitnami documentation

Development Environment

For testing and development purposes on clusters without availability zones you can install a single replica MongoDB with a smaller persistent volume. For this you need to set following parameters (see values_dev.yaml as an example):

  • replicaCount: 1
  • persistence.size: 50Gi You will also need to modify MongoDB connection string in Cognigy.AI Helm chart accordingly.

High Availability

The chart is configured to install MongoDB replicas across three availability zones (e.g. eu-central-1a, eu-central-1b and eu-central-1c on AWS). To accomplish this, Kubernetes label is used in nodeAffinityPreset rules and set in charts/bitnami/mongodb/values.yaml by default. This label is one of well-known labels and is therefore present in all major cloud providers. The setup uses an anti-affinity to accomplish this behavior: if the label uniquezone=set is present in the deployment specification, another MongoDB pod cannot be installed with this label in the same availability zone. On clusters with at least 3 nodes provisioned across 3 availability zones no further configuration is required from your side.

Installing the Chart


This Installation guide assumes that MongoDB setup is deployed into mongodb namespace. If you need to place a deployment into another namespace, modify following commands accordingly. We suggest not to modify the deployment namespace as you will need to adapt Cognigy.AI Helm chart later in this case. Create mongodb namespace with:

kubectl create namespace mongodb


After the parameters are set a new release can be deployed via Helm, use proper YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml file if you copied and renamed it before.

  1. Installing from Cognigy Container Registry (recommended):
    • You need to create docker-registry secret and to log in into Cognigy Container Registry to pull the helm chart and related images. For this to work, execute following commands, substitute and with your credentials to access Cognigy Container Registry:
    kubectl create secret docker-registry cognigy-registry-token \ \
    --docker-username=<your-username> \
    --docker-password=<your-password> -n mongodb
    helm registry login \
    --username <your-username> \
    --password <your-password>
    • install MongoDB Helm Release. Provide the latest git tag of this repository instead of HELM_CHART_VERSION placeholder:
    helm upgrade --install --namespace mongodb mongodb oci:// --version HELM_CHART_VERSION --values YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml
  2. Alternatively you can install MongoDB Helm release from the local chart (not recommended):
helm upgrade --install -n mongodb mongodb ./charts/bitnami/mongodb --values YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml --create-namespace
  1. Check that MongoDB deployment is up-and-running. Pods are created one by one, so you need to wait a bit. To verify all pods are in a ready state, you can execute:
kubectl get pods -n mongodb

You should see 3 replica of mongodb pods in ready state in mongodb namespace.


The chart natively supports monitoring of MongoDB with Prometheus metrics. metrics container is enabled by default in the corresponding section in YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml. Prometheus service monitor is disabled by default via serviceMonitor parameter. If there is a Prometheus instance in the cluster, you can enable its automatic discovery by setting serviceMonitor.enabled variable to true. Additionally, Prometheus rules can be enabled for alerting with prometheusRule parameter. A matching Grafana dashboard can be found here.

Upgrading Helm Release

To upgrade MongoDB Helm release to a newer HELM_CHART_VERSION version, you need to execute following command. Use the same YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml you have used before!

helm upgrade --install --namespace mongodb mongodb oci:// --version HELM_CHART_VERSION --values YOUR_VALUES_FILE.yaml

From 10.30.8 to 13.18.5

This upgrade requires additional steps which need to be executed. Check the upgrade guide for detailed instruction.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall a Helm release execute:

helm -n mongodb uninstall mongodb

Cleaning up

Please keep in mind that Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) and the related data are not removed when you uninstall the Helm release bu default. To fully remove them you need to run the following command.

IMPORTANT: If you run this command, all data persisted in MongoDB will be lost!

kubectl delete -n=mongodb pvc --all


Kubernetes Helm Chart to deploy MongoDB - a dependency of Cognigy.AI - into modern cloud environments.






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