Demo and Tutorial Projects Welcome to the CGPP code repository! Here you will find projects made with three.js Many more examples like these can be found here A few good beginner tutorials: Create a rotating box and load a model file A nice intro to threejs Interactive site demoing 3D graphics concepts Cool personal sites, blogs, and twitter accounts: Amanda Ghassaei Jaume Sanchez David Li Cabbibo Steve Wittens AlteredQualia Evan Wallace Benedikt Bitterli Jessica Mak Inigo Quilez Paul Lewis Samsy George Corney Daniel Johnson Ricardo Cabello Florian Bosch Justin Windle Adam Harley Jonas Degrave Chistopher Morre Felix Woitzel Advanced (Math and Graphics API heavy) resources: GPU Gems 3 The Book of Shaders (Walkthrough of fragment shaders) Udacity Course Inigo Quilez Articles Communities: ShaderToy OpenProcessing