A starter demo project for using Custom identity provider service for ConnectyCube
Custom Identity Provider (CIdP) feature is necessary if you need to use an external database (your own users data base) to authenticate your application users instead of database on ConnectyCube server.
With Custom Identity Provider feature you can continue using your user database instead of storing/copying user data to ConnectyCube server. It works in a similar way to Facebook/Twitter SSO.
A more detailed guide about the feature: https://developers.connectycube.com/guides/custom-identity-provider
npm install
Run locally:
DEBUG=custom-idp-starter-kit:* npm start
Run on the server (use Nginx as a revers proxy):
pm2 start ./bin/www
Request (both GET & POST are supported):
curl -d "token=aUserAccessToken" -X POST http://localhost:3000/user/verify
curl -X GET http://localhost:3000/user/verify?token=aUserAccessToken
{"uid": xxxxxx}
Got troubles with integration? Create an issue at Issues page.