- Fix bug with Act1 A1 M1
- Rename repository from super-simpleton to Eroica
- Keep track of visited status of act 1 nodes during a session via localstorage
- Load progress status on revisiting the page
- Re-align glimmertext to proper location when fullscreen
- Re-align glimmertext when user has scrolled
- Enable saving progress locally as a text file
- Enable loading progress from a local text file
- Hover state for finale scarab
- Add glimmertext for all episodes
- Improve glimmertext backgrounds and text animation, make them semi-random and variable
- Choose fonts for navigation, pages and glimmertext, possibly urmap as well
- Do 3 very different urmaps, add textures to vector shapes
- Choose one urmap and do Act2 clouds that partially obscure the masks
- Act 3 clouds that partially obscure those masks
- Finale cloud that partially obscures the scarab
- Possibly have the Act 2 clouds change in turbulence and possibly location color as the user progresses
- Possibly add some other nice (possibly random) flourishes to the urmap as the user progresses through world
- Configure custom domain
- Create a nice splash screen
- Allow user to choose fullscreen or not for video
- Make Introduction nicer using urmap graphics
- Create help page to explain navigation and progress
- Revisit videos and fix any slight encoding problems
- act1_v1_n1
- act1_v1_n2
- act1_v1_n3
- act1_v1_n4
- act1_v1_p1
- act1_v1_p2
- act1_v1_m1
- act1_t1_n1
- act1_t1_n2 - could trim a second at the end
- act1_t1_n3 - slight fuzzy audio artifact in the begining
- act1_t1_n4 - could trim a few seconds at the end
- act1_t1_p1
- act1_t1_p2
- act1_t1_m1
- act1_a1_n1
- act1_a1_n2
- act1_a1_n3
- act1_a1_n4
- act1_a1_p1
- act1_a1_p2
- act1_a1_m1
- act1_v2_n1
- act1_v2_n2
- act1_v2_n3
- act1_v2_n4
- act1_v2_p1
- act1_v2_p2
- act1_v2_m1
- act1_t2_n1
- act1_t2_n2
- act1_t2_n3
- act1_t2_n4
- act1_t2_p1
- act1_t2_p2
- act1_t2_m1
- act1_a2_n1
- act1_a2_n2
- act1_a2_n3
- act1_a2_n4
- act1_a2_p1
- act1_a2_p2
- act1_a2_m1
- act1_v3_n1
- act1_v3_n2
- act1_v3_n3
- act1_v3_n4
- act1_v3_p1
- act1_v3_p2
- act1_v3_m1
- act1_t3_n1
- act1_t3_n2
- act1_t3_n3
- act1_t3_n4
- act1_t3_p1
- act1_t3_p2
- act1_t3_m1
- act1_a3_n1
- act1_a3_n2
- act1_a3_n3
- act1_a3_n4
- act1_a3_p1
- act1_a3_p2
- act1_a3_m1
- act2_v4_h
- act2_v4_s
- act2_v5_h
- act2_v5_s
- act2_v6_h
- act2_v6_s
- act2_t4_h
- act2_t4_s
- act2_t5_h
- act2_t5_s
- act2_t6_h
- act2_t6_s
- act2_a4_h
- act2_a4_s
- act2_a5_h
- act2_a5_s
- act2_a6_h
- act2_a6_s
- act3_v_h
- act3_v_s
- act3_t_h
- act3_t_s
- act3_a_h
- act3_a_s
- finale