This python script was created to use with the Open source robotic process automation program (RPA) AutoHotKey. It uses the command line arguements as inputs. Hence, it can be used by any program, or even typed manually into the command line to send SMS messages, emails or letters via the Notify service
You need to sign up to first and then get an API-key and template ID. You need to create templates with the below 'personalisations'.
Once you have them the following arguments are taken:
- "SMS", "email" or "letter" to inform what communication method is required
- AKI_key
- template ID
- mobile number in format 07123456789
- message
- email address
- subject
- message
- address, using semi-colon ";" to denote new lines
- from
- heading
- body
To make into an executable, make sure you have pyInstaller installed. Then go into the folder with your code and run:
pyinstaller --onefile .\
The dist folder will then hold the exe