Basic implementation for a express.js server using TypeScript, TypeORM and JWT auth. It involves:
- [Pending] Signup
- Hashing of passwords before inserting to Database (With bcrpt)
- Login comparing hashed password
- JWT authorization for every controller, except 'AuthController' (with jsonwebtoken)
- [Pending] Setup migrations
- Entities-to-database synchronization
- Entities definition (with autoincremented ids, auto-inserted created_at|updated_at columns) and many useful configs
- Repository pattern implementation
- [Pending] implement singleton pattern for repository classes and inject them to the controllers (A la Spring Boot)
- Autowired express server with
- global middlewares
- controllers setup
- with their own set of local middlewares
- typeorm connection
This is an example implementation for these features, should work as a template. The example is for a simple wishlist application with categories to hold the items, which also belong to the user who 'wished' them.