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A C++ header-only library of various utilities.
This library exists to not have to implement the same
functionality over and over again in different projects.
The library implements some C++17 standard library features, as well as
some features of some of the technical specifications.
Additionally it provides portable versions of otherwise non-portable functions, as well as some other utilities.


  • A C++14-capable C++ compiler
  • CMake (to build the tests)
  • Doxygen (to generate the documentation)


The library code and the test code is known to function with:

  • g++ 5.4.1 and newer
  • clang++ 3.8 and newer
  • msvc15 and newer


As this is a header-only library all you have to do is
add the include subdirectory to your compiler's
include path.

Using CMake

If your project uses CMake the library can be included as a a subdirectory using
The include paths can then be added to a target using
target_link_libraries(your_target PRIVATE CppPhil::philslib)

Disabling optional C++17 features

The library optionally uses some C++17 features such as [[nodiscard]] and [[fallthrough]] if the compiler being used is new enough to support them.
You can disable C++17 features, even if your compiler supports them, by defining the PL_NO_CPP17 preprocessor symbol.
It is recommended to define the PL_NO_CPP17 globally through your build system, rather than in the source directly.

Generating the documentation

To generate the documentation run:
doxygen ./Doxyfile
To view the generated html documentation using firefox run:
firefox ./doc/html/index.html &


This header-only library in the include subdirectory is sub-divided into 5 parts.

  • The algorithm component, corresponding to the algo subdirectory, which implements generic algorithms.
  • The container component, corresponding to the cont subdirectory, which implements utility functions operating on container-like objects.
  • The metaprogramming component, corresponding to the meta subdirectory, which implements various meta functions.
  • The threading component, corresponding to the thd subdirectory, which implements utilities with regard to multithreading.
  • As well as a generic component, corresponding to the header files directly within the include/pl directory, for all other utilities.

Overview by file

File Description
include/pl/algo/clamp.hpp The clamp function from C++17.
include/pl/algo/destroy.hpp The destroy algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/destroy_at.hpp The destroy_at function from C++17.
include/pl/algo/destroy_n.hpp The destroy_n algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/erase.hpp A convenient implementation of the erase-remove_if idiom somewhat similar to the uniform container erasure from library fundamentals TS v2.
include/pl/algo/for_each_n.hpp The for_each_n algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/ranged_algorithms.hpp 'Ranged' versions of many of the C++ standard library algorithms taking a container rather than a pair of iterators.
include/pl/algo/slide.hpp The slide algorithm.
include/pl/algo/uninitialized_default_construct.hpp The uninitialized_default_construct algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/uninitialized_default_construct_n.hpp The uninitialized_default_construct_n algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/uninitialized_move.hpp The uninitialized_move algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/uninitialized_move_n.hpp The uninitialized_move_n algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/uninitialized_value_construct.hpp The uninitialized_value_construct algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/algo/uninitialized_value_construct_n.hpp The uninitialized_value_construct_n algorithm from C++17.
include/pl/cont/at.hpp Bounds checked index based access to containers built-in arrays and initializer_lists.
include/pl/cont/back.hpp Non-member back function that also works for built-in arrays and initializer_lists.
include/pl/cont/data.hpp The data function from C++17.
include/pl/cont/empty.hpp The empty function from C++17.
include/pl/cont/front.hpp Non-member front function that also works for built-in arrays and initializer_lists.
include/pl/cont/make_array.hpp Function to conveniently create a std::array like the one from library fundamentals TS v2.
include/pl/cont/size.hpp The size function from C++17.
include/pl/cont/ssize.hpp The ssize function from C++20.
include/pl/cont/to_array.hpp Function to create a std::array from a built-in array like the one from library fundamentals TS v2.
include/pl/meta/bool_constant.hpp bool_constant from C++17.
include/pl/meta/conjunction.hpp The conjunction meta function from C++17.
include/pl/meta/detection_idiom.hpp An implementation of the detection idiom from library fundamentals TS v2.
include/pl/meta/disable_if.hpp disable_if analogous to std::enable_if.
include/pl/meta/disjunction.hpp The disjunction meta function from C++17.
include/pl/meta/is_initializer_list.hpp Meta function to determine whether a type is an initializer_list type.
include/pl/meta/is_reference_wrapper.hpp Meta functions to determine whether a type is a reference_wrapper type or not.
include/pl/meta/iterator_traits.hpp Iterator traits implementing the hierarchy of the kinds of iterators. Can be used to check whether a given iterator satisfies the minimum iterator requirement.
include/pl/meta/negation.hpp The negation meta function from C++17.
include/pl/meta/nested_types.hpp Template aliases to access common nested types.
include/pl/meta/none.hpp Meta function to determine whether none of the traits given are satisfied analogous to disjunction and conjunction from C++17.
include/pl/meta/remove_cvref.hpp The remove_cvref meta function from C++20.
include/pl/meta/type_identity.hpp Meta function to prevent undesired type deduction.
include/pl/meta/unwrap_ref_decay.hpp unwrap_ref_decay from C++20
include/pl/meta/unwrap_reference.hpp unwrap_reference from C++20
include/pl/meta/void_t.hpp void_t from C++17.
include/pl/thd/concurrent.hpp Thread safe concurrency adaptor to 'run' an object in a new thread behaves like a non-blocking monitor as the callables accessing the object are run on the underlying thread.
include/pl/thd/monitor.hpp A monitor providing thread-safe access to an object by using locks.
include/pl/thd/then.hpp Then continuations for futures similar to the ones from concurrency TS.
include/pl/thd/thread_pool.hpp A thread pool.
include/pl/thd/thread_safe_queue.hpp A thread safe queue using locks.
include/pl/alloca.hpp Macro for a portable alloca.
include/pl/annotations.hpp Macros serving as source code annotations.
include/pl/apply.hpp The apply function from C++17. Can be used to call something with a tuple.
include/pl/as_bytes.hpp Function to interpret an object as just raw bytes.
include/pl/as_const.hpp Function to view an object as const. Like as_const from C++17.
include/pl/as_ptr_const.hpp Function to get a low level const qualified pointer from another pointer.
include/pl/asprintf.hpp asprintf implementation similar to the one known from POSIX or the C dynamic memory TR.
include/pl/assert.hpp Assertion macros for pre- and postconditions to ease contract based programming until contracts are available in standard C++.
include/pl/begin_end.hpp An implementation of the non-member functions to fetch iterators. Also provides convenience macros to call iterator based algorithms with 'containers'.
include/pl/begin_end_macro.hpp Macros to facilitate definition of other macros so they must be used with a semicolon providing a more 'natural' syntax.
include/pl/bitmask.hpp Macro to allow the usage of bitwise operators with scoped enums.
include/pl/bit.hpp Convenience function for some bitwise operations and bit_cast from C++20.
include/pl/bswap.hpp A portable bswap.
include/pl/byte.hpp A 'byte' type alias.
include/pl/char_to_int.hpp Function to convert a decimal 'character' value to a 'numeric' value.
include/pl/checked_delete.hpp Functions to call delete / delete[] that avoid undefined behavior if the pointed to type is incomplete. Also provides functions that null the pointer after calling delete / delete[].
include/pl/cheshire_cat.hpp Class template providing a cheshire cat implementation without dynamic memory allocation.
include/pl/compiler.hpp Compiler detection and version checking macros.
include/pl/concept_poly.hpp A class template for concept based polymorphism.
include/pl/current_function.hpp Portable macro to get the 'prettiest' string for the current function.
include/pl/eprintf.hpp printf that prints to stderr.
include/pl/except.hpp Exception related utilities.
include/pl/for_each_argument.hpp Function template to call a callable with every element of a template parameter pack.
include/pl/fwd.hpp Function like macro to perfectly forward an object deducing the type. Useful for generic lambda expressions.
include/pl/glue.hpp The classic token pasting GLUE macro.
include/pl/hash.hpp Utility function to combine hashes to ease definition of std::hash specializations for UDTs.
include/pl/hexify.hpp Function to encode binary data as hex strings.
include/pl/inline.hpp Portable macros to force and prevent function inlining.
include/pl/integer.hpp Fixed size integer types as template aliases.
include/pl/invoke.hpp The invoke function from C++17.
include/pl/iterate_reversed.hpp Adaptor to iterate in reverse order using a range based for loop.
include/pl/lift.hpp Function like macro to 'lift' an overload set into an overload set object.
include/pl/make_from_tuple.hpp Function template to invoke a constructor by 'unpacking' a tuple like make_from_tuple from C++17.
include/pl/memxor.hpp Function to bytewise xor-assign one range of memory to another.
include/pl/named_operator.hpp Function to define named operators.
include/pl/negate_predicate.hpp Adaptor to create the negation of a predicate similar to not_fn from C++17.
include/pl/no_macro_substitution.hpp Macro to prevent undesirable macro substitution.
include/pl/no_unique_address.hpp Macro for the [[no_unique_address]] attribute.
include/pl/noncopyable.hpp Macro to declare a type as non-copyable.
include/pl/numeric.hpp is_even is_odd and is_between function templates.
include/pl/observer_ptr observer pointer like observer_ptr from library fundamentals TS v2.
include/pl/os.hpp Operating system detection macros.
include/pl/overload.hpp Utility to create an 'overload set object' from 1 or more user provided lambdas. Useful for C++17 std::variant visitation.
include/pl/packed.hpp Portable macros to be able to define packed structures.
include/pl/print_bytes_as_hex.hpp Utility to print a memory region as hexadecimals.
include/pl/random_number_generator.hpp A random number generator type.
include/pl/raw_memory_array.hpp Class template to treat a memory region as an array.
include/pl/restrict.hpp Portable macro to define a restrict pointer.
include/pl/size_t.hpp User defined literal to create std::size_t objects.
include/pl/source_line.hpp Macro that expands to a string literal of the current line in the current source file.
include/pl/strcontains.hpp Function to check if a null-terminated string contains another null-terminated string as a substring.
include/pl/strdup.hpp strdup and strndup functions similar to the ones known from POSIX or the C dynamic memory TR.
include/pl/string_view.hpp string view type for null-terminated strings with a never emtpy guarantee.
include/pl/stringify.hpp The classic stringification macro.
include/pl/timer.hpp Simple timer class to measure durations of time.
include/pl/toggle_bool.hpp Function to invert the value of a bool object.
include/pl/total_order.hpp Macros to define a total order for a type.
include/pl/type_traits.hpp Includes the standard library <type_traits> and defines the C++14 style template aliases for the type traits for standard library implementations that don't offer them.
include/pl/unhexify.hpp The unhexify function to turn hex encoded strings back into bytes.
include/pl/unrelated_pointer_cast.hpp Function template for unrelated pointer casts leaving reinterpret_cast for just integer to pointer and pointer to integer conversions.
include/pl/unused.hpp Macro to suppress warnings about objects being unused.
include/pl/version.hpp Versioning macros of the library.
include/pl/vla.hpp Macro to be able to define VLAs by using alloca.
include/pl/voidify.hpp Macro to get a void pointer to an object. Used with placement new.
include/pl/zero_memory.hpp zero_memory and secure_zero_memory functions to zero regions of memory.