Scripts and tools for agent service install and management
- Create a home directory (c:\cresco) for you Cresco Agent application, data, and install utilities.
- Download or clone the Cresco Utilities to your home directory (c:\cresco\utils).
- Download the latest Cresco Agent release to the root of your home directory.
- Download a Java 1.8 or 11 JRE/JDK that provides a JVM.DLL, if one is not already installed. It is recommended to download the AdoptOpenJDK8 Hotspot ZIP and uncompress it in your home folder (c:\cresco\jre).
- While in the Cresco utilities directory (c:\cresco\util) use the installservice.bat script to install your service.
- While in the Cresco utilities directory (c:\cresco\util) use the servicemanager.bat to start/stop/edit your service. The service (CrescoAgent) can also be controlled from Windows Services.
This batch file is used to install the Cresco Agent service on 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows making use of the Apache Commons Daemon Procrun service. The script takes two arguements, the location of the appropirate JVM DLL for your system (Java 1.8/11) and the Cresco home directory containing the agent jar.
Usage: installService JVM_DLL_location Cresco_Home Example: installService "c:\cresco\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll" "c:\cresco"
This batch file removes the Cresco Agent service and takes no arguements.
Usage: uninstallService
This batch file runs the Apache Commons Daemon Manager (Prunmgr) and must be run in the directory containing the Prunmgr.exe