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Front end Angular components for Cru's Give site

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Angular front-end components for use in AEM on

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Importing JS and HTML templates

To use the searchResults component, include this code on your page:

<search-results ng-app="searchResults"></search-results>

<script src=""></script>

For other components, replace all instances of checkout with the name of another component. Current components are cart, checkout, thankYou, productConfig, signIn, searchResults, yourGiving, profile, receipts, paymentMethods, designationEditor, and brandedCheckout. The element name needs to be kebab case and the ng-app module name needs to be camel case.

Importing CSS

Import the following:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

This includes legacy styling from cru.scss.

Branded checkout

Branded checkout basic example

Add the following code to your page where appropriate. You must change the value of designation-number to the designation number you want users to give to. As part of the setup process Cru should provide a tsys-device attribute which matches the TSYS config for your site.


<script src=""></script>

Branded checkout full example with all attributes

Add the following code to your page where appropriate. See the Branded checkout config section for details on setting these attributes.

    designation-number="<designation number>"
    campaign-code="<campaign code>"
    donor-details="<window variable containing default values for donor's name and contact info>"

<script src=""></script>
  window.onOrderCompleted = function (purchaseData) {
    console.log('Order completed successfully', purchaseData);
  window.onOrderFailed = function (donorDetails) {
    console.log('Order failed', donorDetails);

Branded checkout config

The <branded-checkout> element is where the branded checkout Angular app will be loaded. It is configured by providing HTML attributes that will be loaded by Angular. Attributes with values containing angle brackets (such as <designation number>) are placeholders and should be replaced with real values or, if not needed, the whole attribute should be omitted. The <branded-checkout> element accepts the following attributes:

  • api-url - Custom API url. This is required to be on the same top level domain as the branded checkout form for use in browsers that block third party cookies. - Required if your domain is not a subdomain of
  • designation-number - the designation number you would like donors to give to - Required
  • campaign-page - the campaign page you would like to use, used for suggested amounts - Optional
  • campaign-code - the campaign code you would like to use - Optional
  • tsys-device - the device name that corresponds to the TSYS Merchant Account which will be used for tokenizing your site's credit cards with TSYS - Required - Will be provided by DPS when adding your domain to the TSYS whitelist. cru is the default and corresponds with Cru's main TSYS Merchant ID
  • amount - defaults the gift's amount - Optional
  • frequency - defaults the gift's frequency - Optional - can be one of the following values:
    • single - single gift - this is the default so it doesn't need to be specified
    • monthly - monthly recurring gift
    • quarterly - quarterly recurring gift
    • annually - annually recurring gift
  • day - for recurring gifts this defaults the gift's day of the month - Optional - can be 1 to 28
  • default-payment-type - if set to creditCard, the credit card form will be shown by default instead of bank account - Optional
  • donor-details - name of the window variable containing default values for donor's name and contact info - Optional - should be in this format:
    window.donorDetails = {
        donorType: 'Household', // or 'Organization'
        name: {
            title: '',
            givenName: 'First Name',
            middleInitial: '',
            familyName: 'Last Name',
            suffix: ''
        organizationName: '', // Used when donorType is 'Organization'
        phoneNumber: '',
        spouseName: {
            title: '',
            givenName: 'First Name',
            middleInitial: '',
            familyName: 'Last Name',
            suffix: ''
        mailingAddress: {
            country: 'US',
            // For US addresses
            streetAddress: '123 Some Street',
            extendedAddress: 'Address Line 2',
            locality: 'City',
            region: 'CA',
            postalCode: '12345'
            // For non-US addresses
            streetAddress: '123 Some Street',
            extendedAddress: 'Address Line 2',
            intAddressLine3: 'Address Line 3',
            intAddressLine4: 'Address Line 4'
        email: '[email protected]'
  • show-cover-fees - true if you want to show the checkbox that allows donors to cover processing fees, otherwise leave the attribute off.
  • on-order-completed - an Angular expression that is executed when the order was submitted successfully - Optional - provides 2 variables:
    • $event.$window - Provides access to the browser's global window object. This allows you to call a custom callback function like onOrderCompleted in the example.
    • $event.purchase - contains the order's details that are loaded for the thank you page
  • radio-station-api-url - Provides a URL path for fetching a list of radio stations in the donor's vicinity. If you plan to use this feature, contact Cru's Digital Products and Services (DPS) department ([email protected]) to have your URL domain whitelisted to interact with our API - Optional
  • radio-station-radius - Provides a radius (in miles) for fetching a list of radio stations in the donor's vicinity - Optional

Server-side configuration for a new branded checkout domain

  1. Figure out what domain you will be hosting the branded checkout form on. For example,

  2. Make sure HTTPS is enabled on that domain

  3. You will need to setup a subdomain for the API. We've experienced cross-domain cookie issues trying to hit the API directly from a custom domain. Create a CNAME record for (the subdomain could be different but using that suggested subdomain makes it consistent with other sites) and point it at

  4. In order to accept credit cards on your own domain, you will need a new TSYS device id (a numeric id around 14 digits) associated with one of our Merchant Accounts. Contact the Cru's Financial Services Group ([email protected]) and request one. You will use the device id to complete step 6.

  5. To prepare for the next step, think of a unique identifier like "jesusfilm" or "aia" that uniquely identifies your ministry and domain. We can create this for you but we need enough information about your ministry to do so.

  6. Once you have completed the steps above, contact Cru's Digital Products and Services (DPS) department ([email protected]). Below is an example email: (replace the {{}}s with the info for your site)

    I'm working on implementing branded checkout for {{my ministry}}. I would like to host the branded checkout form on {{}}. HTTPS is setup on my domain and I have created a CNAME record for the subdomain {{}} that points to (DPS may be able to help with the CNAME record configuration if the domain is hosted with us.)

    I need help configuring the API to work on my domain. Can you:

    • Add an SSL certificate to cruorg-alb for my subdomain {{}}
    • Add that same subdomain to cortex_gateway's AUTH_PROXY_VALID_ORIGINS environment variable
    • Add the user facing domain to the maintenance app's cortex_gateway CORS Whitelist

    I also need help setting up a my TSYS merchant account with the API to be able to proccess credit cards on my site. Can you:

    • Add my TSYS device id to the API configuration. My device id is {{12345678901234}} and the url I would like to use for the branded checkout form is {{}}. I would like to use a identifier of "{{myministry}}". (Or uniquely describe your ministry and domain if you want DPS to create the identifier. We can't have multiple sites that use the same identifier.)
    • Whitelist my site {{}} with TSYS so their TSEP credit card tokenization services will work on my domain.
    • Whitelist my domain {{}} with Recaptcha.
  7. Test the subdomain configured to point to the API. is a good test url. There should be no certificate errors and you should get a response that looks like this {"next-draw-date":"2018-09-27"}. If there are errors, please get in touch with ([email protected]) again and provide details as to what is happening.

  8. Add the <branded-checkout> tag to a page on the domain you've configured above. You can follow the documentation above for all the possible attributes and the required style and script tags. The email conversations above should have provided the values for the api-url (the subdomain that has a CNAME to and tsys-device (the unique string identifier created by you or by DPS) attributes. You can add them like this:

    <script src=""></script>
  9. If you go to this page in a browser, you should see the <branded-checkout> tag fill with content. There should also be no errors in the browser's console. If you see errors that appear to be caused by branded checkout please contact us at [email protected].


Installing yarn

Use yarn for faster installs and to update the yarn lock file:

Install & Run

  1. yarn or npm install
  2. yarn start or npm start
  3. Browse to http://localhost:9000 Note: For session cookies to work correctly, add an entry to your hosts file for pointing to and use for development

Development Tasks

  • yarn run test or npm run test to run karma tests
  • yarn run lint or npm run lint to run eslint
  • yarn run build or npm run build to generate minified output files. These files are output to /dist. common.js must be included before any of the other JS files.
  • yarn run build:analyze or npm run build:analyze to open a visualization of bundle sizes after building

Adding dependencies

  • Use yarn add <package-name> or npm install <package-name> --save to install app dependencies
  • Use yarn add <package-name> -dev npm install <package-name> --save-dev to install tooling dependencies

Making queries to Cortex

Use the cortexApiService which provides convenience methods for sending requests to Cortex. For more documentation see the cortexApiService docs.

Staging Environment

Replace with to use the staging environment.


Travis auto-deploys master builds to a pre-prod s3 bucket. copies to the live bucket, which backs CloudFront.