This php script will migrate a Discourse-Forum to Flarum.
- Configurable migration steps.
- Imports posts, discussions and users.
- Automatically tries to fix formatting.
- Not able to import user passwords.
- Cannot migrate uploaded media yet.
- Create a fresh forum using the standard install instructions.
- Install PostgreSQL and load your Discourse backup.
- Make sure PHP and the required libraries are installed.
- Download script and configuration. (migrate.yaml)
- Configure your export- and import databases.
- install TextFormatter with composer: composer require s9e/text-formatter
- Run the script and press 'ENTER' to start the first migration step.
The following libraries need to be installed to run this script:
- php-pecl-yaml
The sources are available at:
host: localhost
name: discourse
user: discourse
password: secret
host: localhost
name: flarum
user: flarum
password: secret
- action: COPY
enabled: true
old-table: posts
new-table: fl_posts
id: id
user_id: user_id
topic_id: discussion_id
cooked*: content
created_at: time
updated_at: edit_time
- action: RUN_COMMAND
enabled: true
command: UPDATE fl_posts SET type='comment'
- action: COPY
enabled: true
old-table: topics
new-table: fl_discussions
id: id
title: title
posts_count++: comments_count
participant_count: participants_count
created_at: start_time
user_id: start_user_id
updated_at: last_time
last_post_user_id: last_user_id
slug: slug
archetype?private_message: is_private
- action: COPY
enable: true
old-table: categories
new-table: fl_tags
id: id
name: name
slug: slug
description: description
rnd_color**: color
position: position
parent_category_id: parent_id
- action: COPY
enabled: true
old-table: users
new-table: fl_users
id: id
username: username
email: email
password_hash: password
created_at: join_time
last_posted_at: last_seen_time
- action: RUN_COMMAND
enabled: true
command: DELETE FROM fl_users WHERE password='NULL'
yum install epel-release
yum install mariadb-server mariadb postgresql-server php php-pecl-yaml
systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable mariadb
postgresql-setup initdb
systemctl start postgresql
systemctl enable postgresql
mysql -u root -p
create database flarum;
grant all on flarum.* to flarum@localhost identified by 'secretflarum';
update mysql.user set password=password('secretflarum') where user='root';
su postgres
create user discourse password 'secretdiscourse';
createdb -T template0 --encoding UTF8 -O discourse discourse
vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
comment out the other lines
local all all peer
su postgres
cat /tmp/dump.sql | psql discourse
grant all privileges on all tables in schema public to discourse;
Original script by robrotheram
Modified versions by:
This script is licensed under the MIT license