This repository documents my 100 Days of Code challenge, where I commit to coding for at least an hour every day for 100 days.
- Sharpen programming skills
- Explore new technologies and concepts
- Build projects and solve coding challenges
- Daily logs of my progress
- Code snippets, solutions, and projects
- Reflections on lessons learned and challenges faced
- Day 1 - 🚀 Relearning/Reviewing HTML,CSS,JS
- Day 2 - ✒️ Learned Ink Intro Animation Technique
- Day 3 - 💻 Read some HTML Stuffs
- Day 4 - 📝 Created some HTML Notes
- Day 5 - 📝 Learned Favicons
- Day 6 - 🔗 Link icons from font awesome
- Day 7 - 📝 Created Some Notes
- Day 8 - 📦 Mastering Flexbox
- Day 9 - 📦 Created FlexBoxer
- Day 10 - 📦 Worked on LinkHub and playing with flexbox
- Day 11 - 📝 Created Some Notes
- Day 12 - ✍️ Practiced User Input Form
- Day 13 - 👁️ Watched/Read Some Guides on the internet
- Day 14 - 💻 Random practice in HTML stuffs
- Day 15 - 🏦 Created Banking System in C Programming
- Day 16 - ⚜️ Created MNHS Scout Portal Website
- Day 17 - 🏦 Continue on Banking System in C Programming
- Day 18 - 🤵 Web Portfolio Practice
- Day 19 - 📝 Created some HTML Notes
- Day 20 - 🗺️ Created ShopScout CDO
- Day 21 - 💬 Font Practice
- Day 22 - 📦 CSS Border Practice
- Day 23 - 📃 Hands-on Exam in Intro to Human Computer Interaction
- Day 24 - 📦 CSS Box and Text Shadow Practice
- Day 25 - 🍵 Played with Java
- Day 26 - 🔑 Worked on PassVault, a Final Project for OOP Subject
- Day 27 - 📦 Practiced Navbar CSS
- Day 28 - 🧭 Practiced on how to do nav bar properly
- Day 29 - 🧭 Nav learning continuation
- Day 30 - 🔑 Continued working on PassVault
- Day 31 - 💻 Learning Javascript Function()
- Day 32 - 💻 Learning Objecr Literal in Javascript
- Day 33 - 💻 Continuation on Learning Javascript
- Day 34 - 🧭 Navbar Practice
- Day 35 - 💻 Practice on document.getElementById in Javascript
- Day 36 - 💣 Created a game called Infinity Sweeper with the help of AI
- Day 37 - 💖 Created Aesthetic Linktree
- Day 38 - 📝 Created Javascript Notes
- Day 39 - 💻 Javascript document.getElementById()
- Day 40 - 🎆 Created New Year Countdown Timer
- Day 41 - 🎆 New Year Break | Played with document.getElementById()