ApiScout uses common Windows API calls to build a representation of them called an ApiVector.
It is installed by default but requires some additional configuration before enabling within AssemblyLine.
Initial work for this was done during GeekWeek 5 (https://gitlab.com/GeekWeekV/4.2_malfinder/alsvc_apivector)
See the following links for technical details:
- Academic paper describing ApiScout/ApiVectors and results when applied to the malpedia dataset - https://journal.cecyf.fr/ojs/index.php/cybin/article/view/20
- Code on GitHub - https://github.com/danielplohmann/apiscout
- Blog post - http://byte-atlas.blogspot.com/2017/04/apiscout.html
NB : In order for the ApiVector AL service to work you need to
- Set the MALPEDIA_APIKEY as an environment variable
To get the most out of the service, you should have a collection of apivectors you want to compare incoming data to. You can request access to Malpedia and request an apikey from them, which this service can use to regularly pull updates from.
Alternatively, you can generate your own, as long as you follow the format here: It's a CSV file, using semi-colons as separators:
The following service configuration options are available:
# Parameters for matching apivector
# minimum confidence in the apivector match to do anything with it
"min_confidence": 50,
# min jaccard score to report as implant family
# from https://journal.cecyf.fr/ojs/index.php/cybin/article/view/2 , you can set this depending on your
# tolerance for false positives.
# Even if set very high, FPs are still possible for samples that share a lot of statically linked code
# * 0.18 leads to a TPR/FPR of 90.18% and 9.45%
# * 0.22 leads to a TPR/FPR of 89.10% and 4.74% (closest distance to the (0,1) point)
# * 0.32 leads to a TPR/FPR of 86.55% and 0.99%
# * 0.55 leads to a TPR/FPR of 80.72% and 0.09%
"min_jaccard": 0.40