SASOW is a software to simulate social networks, its development is focused on an open implementation where the user/ developer will be able to generate a simple to build simulation by writing a few lines of code.
SASOW is mainly focused on WOM (Word of Mouth Marketing) but we hope to achieve a robust system capable of facilitating the modeling of any social network.
SASOW has an open architecture that will allow the programmer to interact with the different classes and elements of the system and, in the future, to access a metaprogramming abstraction layer.
The Current SASOW Architecture is as follows
A user who uses SASOW in a normal way, will focus his use mainly through the Experiment and Scenarios layers
. While a user who needs a more specialized or complex simulation will have access to all the abstraction layers
, where he will be able to create a new simulation capable of adapting to his needs by using the Essential layer
, which is nothing more than the core of SASOW.
is the first abstraction layer which allows you to configure the simulation and helps you to set the simulation objective. -
is a central layer between Experiment and Essential. Scenarios contains a collection of different social networks ready for use, this would include the specialized simulations created by the developer. -
is the heart of SASOW and provides all the logic support to create new scenarios that adapt to the different uses that can be given to SASOW. -
The last abstraction
layer Meta
refers to a metaprogramming layer that will allow the developer to use SASOW at all levels.
if you want to use SASOW software, you need to install and following the documentation
clone or download repository
git clone
You will need java for execute, install it using
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
java -jar dist/sasow\ jar\ file/sasow.jar
- enjoyed!
donwload or clone, extract where you like and have fun!
For his use in normal mode, first go to the proyect folder and then go to "dist" folder
After go to "sasow jar file folder". In this folder you can find the sasow software jar file and some experiments examples
if you open the examples folder you can find some examples, for experiment config and his respect result .csv files
if you want to use some .cfg example just open sasow.jar
and you can use sasow software
for load .cfg files go to "Load Experiment Config File" and just find some .cfg file for sasow software
and then the experiment load from you interface and now you can start simulation for generate csv files and output data
after you can use other tools for data tratament
If you need more functionality feel freedom to enter and edit the code supporting you with the essential model datahandler, and more classes !!
//Todo add information for Expert mode.