This tiny vim plugin provides an interface to easily create mappings to push around text-objects. Pushing can be understood as deleting the text-object under the cursor, making a motion, and pasting it again. It can also be used to swap adjacent text-objects.
With vim-plug:
Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
Plug 'tommcdo/vim-exchange'
Plug 'd4ku/vim-pushover'
This plugin has a hard dependency to vim-exchange. If you want to make the created mappings repeatable, vim-repeat must be installed, too.
By default, the plugin creates the mappings <w
, >w
, <W
, >W
, <p
, and
to push around words, WORDs, and paragraphs; forwards and backwards. To
change the <
or >
prefix, set the following variables:
let g:pushover_forward_prefix = '>'
let g:pushover_backward_prefix = '<'
To supply additional mappings or change the default ones, set
. The following example adds support for
vim-wordmotion via the <Leader>
mappings, while keeping the defaults:
let g:pushover_maps =
\ {
\ 'w': ['iw', 'w', 'b'],
\ 'W': ['iW', 'W', 'B'],
\ 'p': ['ip', '}j', '{k'],
\ '<Leader>w': ['i<Leader>w', '<Leader>w', '<Leader>b']
\ }
The dictionary's keys are the mapping names later combined with the prefix. The values are lists with the following three strings as elements:
- text-object to remove and paste elsewhere
- motion to move forward to the paste location
- motion to move backward to the paste location
If these text-objects and motions have been remapped themselves, vim-pushover respects that.
By default, the plugin creates <Plug>
mappings that are then mapped to the
concatenation of the prefix and dictionary key. If you wish to create all the
mappings yourself, for example if they are conflicting with other plugins, set
the following variable to 0
let g:pushover_map_plugs = 0
nmap [w <Plug>Pushover_<w
nmap ]w <Plug>Pushover_>w
nmap <Leader>P <Plug>Pushover_<p
nmap <Leader>p <Plug>Pushover_>p