Ajasta is a simple invoicing application built with the latest technologies on the market. It comes with a simple client and project management, allows you to quickly create new invoices and send them to you clients as PDFs. A templating system allows you to have your invoices look exactly the way you want them to.
The project is currently under a complete rewrite, but will mature quickly.
While you can run Ajasta completely on your local machine, with your own webserver and such, a Docker configuration is provided to ease installation.
For a quick installation, run the development setup script:
$ docker/dev/setup.sh
After that, the containers will be running and you can access the application via http://localhost:8080. If you want to install new bower or composer components, there are two helper scripts which will run the executables within the application container:
$ docker/composer.sh
$ docker/bower.sh
If you made changes to the XML entity schema, you need to generate a matching changelog file. To do so, do the following steps:
$ docker/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force
$ docker/dev/create-changelog-diff.sh
A new changelog file will be generated in the changelog
folder. Please validate that the generated changes are valid
before committing them.
Copy the docker-compose.override.yml.dist
file to docker-compose.override.yml
and choose the port to use for nginx
as well as the database credentials. After that copy the config/autoload/local/local.php.dist
and adjust the database connection values accordingly. Then you can start the docker
$ docker-compose up -d
Finally, setup or migrate your database:
$ docker-compose liquibase update