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Black-Box Extraction of RNN's Input-Output Behaviour via Automata Learning


High Level Method This repo contains source code that showcases how one can use automata learning to extract finite-state models capturing the RNN's input-output behaviour.

Futhermore, in the repo we show how coverage-guided equivalence oracles can find counterexamples that other white-box and black-box approaches were unable to find. Each counterexample not found by other approaches falsifies their extracted model.

Short example

from aalpy.learning_algs import run_Lstar
from aalpy.oracles import StatePrefixEqOracle
from aalpy.utils import save_automaton_to_file, visualize_automaton

from DataProcessing import parse_data, preprocess_binary_classification_data
from RNN_SULs import RnnBinarySUL
from RNNClassifier import RNNClassifier

from TrainAndExtract import train_RNN_on_tomita_grammar, train_and_extract_bp, train_RNN_and_extract_FSM

# Train the RNN on the data set generated from Tomita 3 Grammar
tomita_alphabet = ["0", "1"]
# load training data from file
x, y = parse_data("TrainingDataAndAutomata/tomita_3.txt")
# split test and validation data
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = preprocess_binary_classification_data(x, y, tomita_alphabet)

# Change parameters of the RNN if you want
rnn = RNNClassifier(tomita_alphabet, output_dim=2, num_layers=2, hidden_dim=50, batch_size=18,
                    x_train=x_train, y_train=y_train, x_test=x_test, y_test=y_test, nn_type="LSTM")

# Train the RNN
rnn.train(stop_acc=1.0, stop_loss=0.0005)

# Wrap RNN in the SUL class. 
sul = RnnBinarySUL(rnn)
alphabet = tomita_alphabet

# Define the eq. oracle
state_eq_oracle = StatePrefixEqOracle(alphabet, sul, walks_per_state=200, walk_len=6)

# Extract the model from RNN
# Max. number of rounds is limited to be able to visualize small/correct automata.
# If it is not set adversarial inputs will be found :D 
dfa = run_Lstar(alphabet=alphabet, sul=sul, eq_oracle=state_eq_oracle, automaton_type='dfa',
                cache_and_non_det_check=True, max_learning_rounds=3)

save_automaton_to_file(dfa, f'RNN_Models/tomita{3}')


Comparison with Refinement-Based and Bounded (PAC-Oracle) L* learning

In the file you will find methods comparing our approach with other white box and black box approaches.

# Compare our approach on with refined-based and bounded L*
run_comparison('tomita_2', train=False, rnn_class='gru', verbose=True)

# Show how coverage-based testing can be used to falsify model returned from refinement-based extraction
# approach.

# Show how extensive coverage-based testing can be used to falsify model returned from bounded L* black-box
# extraction approach.

# exit()
# This example shows how transition focus equivalence oracle can be used to efficiently find counterexamples.

Running the code returns following output:

---------------------------------COMPARISON OF EXTRACTIONS----------------------------------------
Example       : tomita_2
Configuration : GRU_layers_2_dim_50
Number of states
  White-box extraction       : 3
  PAC-Based Oracle           : 8
  Coverage-guided extraction : 26 (terminated after 10 rounds)
Coverage-guided extraction found counterexamples not found by other approaches.
All examples were classified correctly by the Black-Box model and misclassified by the other approaches.

---------------------------------FALSIFICATION OF EXTRACTED MODEL---------------------------------
Counterexamples (and time needed to tind them) to the model extracted with the refinement-based or Bounded-L* approach.
0.1 (((()())((i)))l)
0.14 ((()))y
0.03 h(()((())(()))hsx)z)
0.03 (()()())
0.1 ())()
0.03 a(())()()
0.0 ((j((()g))))(j()
0.04 x(())()(h(bn())g)
0.12 ()()()

Interactive notebooks/running examples

In the notebooks folder, you can find many examples and associated outputs. Examples are:

  • Train an RNN on the Tomita grammar and Extract DFA
  • Train an RNN on the coffee machine FMS and Extract Mealy/Moore machine
  • Learn abstract model from the RNN trained on the concrete traces from MQTT protocol
  • Falsify models returned by refinement-based white-box approach
  • Conformance check 2 RNNs trained on the same data
  • Training set extension based on conformance checking of extracted automata

Structure of the repo:

  • LearnedAutomata/ - automata representing the behavior of RNN's inferred via automata learning
  • TrainingDataAndAutomata/ - data and automata used for RNN training and verification
  • RNN_Models/ - weights of the pre-trained RNNs
  • Refinement-based_extraction/ - source code from very interesting paperu on automata extraction from RNNs
  • Notebooks - interactive examples

  • - a collection of helper functions used to prepare data for learning
  • - lass used for training RNNs, either LSTM or GRU

  • RNN_SULs - system under learning. Implements AALpy's SUL class
  • - helper function in which one can see how to train RNNs and extract their behavior via automata learning
  • PAC_Oracle - PAC Oracle used for comparison with other black-box approach

  • - comparison of our approach to Weiss et al.
  • - a proof-of-concept for learning RNNs abstract behavior with mapper component, and learning-based testing of multiple trained RNNs and their applications


To run extraction, only dependencies are AALpy and Dynet. However, to run a comparison with the refinement-based approach proposed by Weiss et al., further dependencies are required.

To install, clone this repo (suggestion: create a python virtual environment) and call pip install -r requirements.txt

Run and Reproduce,, and all have main function defined at the bottom of the file. has the simple minimal example that shows how to train RNNS and extract multiple models. Notebooks folder contains the text output/interactive examples for some examples. Furthermore, interactive notebooks can be found in the notebooks folder.

To reproduce experiments, simply run the